Practising 'Goodness' - from the District Convention

by passwordprotected 40 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Billy the Ex-Bethelite
    Billy the Ex-Bethelite

    Truly bizarre, but finding appropriate real-life experiences as called for in the DC outline is not easy. Often the most difficult, the kid must be 'exemplary', which rules out the majority. Also, it needs to be 'profound', which means the stories are going to be stretched nearly to the point of lying.

    Sounds like they really wanted to focus on the 'goodness' of her signing for the deaf. Throw in about her 'unbelieving' father... cue sympathy for the poor 'good' girl, and joy at her spending less time with the evil, evil man. And the story about the dying 'dear friend' is most likely a lot of spin. As already mentioned by sir82 and blondie, if she'd really done anything 'good' in caring for the sick girl, they would have said so. But she only got invited to the b-day party, and didn't go. So, somehow they spun that into a good thing. "Um, I can't go to what will probably be your last party because it's against my religion because the Bible says that people get their heads chopped off at birthday parties."


    B the X

  • sullengirl0108

    God help us. And here I thought He was. This kind of story is the reason why kids shouldn't be forced by their parents in any religious way. Imagine how that kid feels inside. Does anyone care or are they too busy singing her theocratic praises? It's this exact reason why I do not bring my daugher to meetings...when I go...which is hardly ever.




  • sullengirl0108

    AND By the way...did we really fall for that birthday explanation as kids? "well, there it is, plain as day in the school and jehovah's witnesses brochure..and besides, the governing body....blah blah blah..."

  • Billy the Ex-Bethelite
    Billy the Ex-Bethelite

    Hi and WELCOME sullengirl0108 !

  • amama2six

    My parents were/are really cheap and I'm convinced they enforced the whole no birthdays/holidays thing to save money. :D

  • Honesty

    Are there any real live, honest-to-goodness JW's on this board.

    I want a 'Bible' Study so I can learn to be as good as the JW girl who shunned her dying friend's last birthday party.

  • neverendingjourney
    did we really fall for that birthday explanation as kids?

    No. As a kid I fell for it because that's what my momma told me and if that's what she said then it must be true. As a young adolescent, I didn't care whether b-days were good or bad. When I, myself, bought into JWism when I was 15, I had the JW mentality firmly set in place. I started with the conclusion and worked my way backwards to find the evidence that supported it. Birthdays were bad and the fact that John the Baptist was beheaded during one was the proof. BOOM! There you go. Enough said. I wasn't interested in seeing whether the doctrine really made sense or not. The Watchtower said it was so and whatever they offered up as proof was good enough for me. There were a lot of things that I never really fell for, but there was enough about the JWs that I did believe in to where I just accepted everything else as well because of the where-else-can-we-go mentality.

  • flipper

    I agree with some posters here who say the Watchtower's definition of " being good" is seriously misguided and screwed up. Their definition of being good is only being obedient to lame interpretations of the Bible by a magazine printing company who doesn't know their a$$ from a hole in the ground. They totally fail when it comes to showing real human compassion or kindness ! If it can't be recorded on a time slip at the end of the month - they usually don't bother

  • jakmarx

    the spin aspect is true! They always make out thngs are worse. Shes probaly a nice girl just trying to her best in deaf field. Just nt going b days as any normal witnes. Yet they probaly pick out the details and really went 2 town positioning it diferently. She probaly didnt knw the girl! I hear lots ofpositiöning going on. Its nt lieing its merely showing thngs from a favourable angle

  • passwordprotected

    Here's a follow-up point;
    Was the girl in fact being 'righteous' instead of good? What did Jesus say the difference would be?

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