Jon and Kate Plus 8

by changeling 13 Replies latest jw friends

  • restrangled

    Love the show and all the cute kids. I can't imagine having to deal with that much 24/7. I think Kate has to be that tough and organized as a mother with that many kids. The parents have their own way of communicating,...getting it said immediately and then moving on. I can't imagine they would have much time for fights and bad feelings. It wouldn't work otherwise.

    Just raising 2 boys...some days it felt crazy! I can't imagine 8 kids.


  • looking_glass

    I love the show and I have NO kids (well other than 2 cats and a dog). I think there is a lot of editing going on which includes making certain people appear b*tchier than they may be in real life.

    Kate accepts the fact that she is a control freak which causes her to flip out and as a control freak myself, I understand where she is coming from.

    I fear from the family as Maddy gets older cause I agree, she is going to be a lot of trouble. Truthfully, I think she exhibits signs of bi-polar disorder of severe mood disorder. She needs meds and therapy.

    I also felt bad for Kate's sister in law when she gave the kids gum. OMG. And poor duckie, the thought of the one kid having to watch duckie being tossed was heart breaking.

    As for why it is a show, why are half the reality shows popular. It is the American human consumption of reality t.v. It use to be Jerry Springer and Jenny Jones and now it is Jon & Kate plus 8 or The Hills. The shows are not "real" shows, but edited together to show what a production team thinks the american public in eat up. And clearly they are doing a great job.

  • sweetstuff

    I'll admit I'm a fan of the show, it amazes me to just watch anyone take care of eight kids! I agree that how Kate treats Jon is hard to watch at times, but he seems to tolerate it pretty well...for the time being, after all, he'd be paying child support for eight kids and dealing with them on his own via much choice does he really have?? LOL

    I think the worst epi I saw for how Kate treats Jon was one where they were shopping and she was being a total biotch, I would be mortified If I was him, she was yelling at him, barking orders in front of everyone in the store, with absolutely no social filter to tell her she was making a fool out of herself or him. But then, she is a bit of a control freak and he probably knew that long before they got married! Or at least before the sixtuplets.

  • chickpea

    i get too jittery watching that show...
    too much activity ..... and crying
    and i think kate is rude to jon,
    a bully!

    i can hear it when the kids watching it
    and i feel my hert start to race!!

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