What Would You Like to Tell The Governing Body?

by AK - Jeff 43 Replies latest jw friends

  • JimmyPage

    Yer fulla sh*t and you've screwed up a lot of lives!

  • Tired of the Hypocrisy
    Tired of the Hypocrisy

    Hi GB...eat big fistsfull of crap and then die.

  • justhuman

    What a question???

    There are so many things I would like to tell them, I could write a book!!! Basically I would tell them:

    Who gave you the right to destroy peoples lifes with your shunning policy?

    Who gave you the right to play the "Gods" on peoples life,either it was the Organ transplans, or blood issue, or the so called neutrality issue?

    Why you have stolen my life, my best years of my life telling me that my best future it is to sell your books and preaching about a generation that by no means will pass away?

    Why did you forbit me to have education, to use my talents, and all you care is about your organization?

    Since you know that 607 B.C date is wrong from the 70's why did you consciously support a LIE in order to secure your possition?

    Do you know how hard is in this world to support your self with low paid jobs(window cleaners)why you forbit education in order to have a better life?

    Why you forbit me through your elders to talk to my family, childern, friends?

    Why you have nevered apologize for your mistakes, and always you blaim the brotherhood for eager expectations?

    Since your history shows a constent change of your theological dogma, why we should trust you?

    From the very beggining you have a history of false prophecies, doesn't make you FALSE PROPHETS?

    Jesus said at Luke 21:9 that "watch out that you are not deceived,for many will come in my name,claiming I'm he, and the END IS NEAR, DO NOT FOLLOW THEM...how do you apply that scripture to yourselves?Should we follow you?

  • JK666



    I cannot clean up the language enough!

    I will respect you as a newer mod and detach now.

    Luv ya, bro! Lets play golf soon. (I will tell you what I think of them in person)


  • gloobster

    Dear Governing Body,

    Can you sleep at night? Can you look at yourself in the mirror without feeling at least a modicum of disgust? Are you haunted by the souls of those who have died for your policies, which you pass off as God's word? Do you feel even a twinge of remorse? Does it occur to you that your constant "new light" has made the sacrifices of those who have martyred themselves for your cause meaningless, in fact that you have tried to sweep their faithfulness to YOU under the carpet?

    I couldn't sleep if I were you.

    I hope you can't sleep either.



  • DJK

    Hey GB, you know that direct line you have to the heavens, it's been a wrong number all this time!!

  • justhuman


    That is the most accurate to say to them...


  • Satanus

    'Do so kindly, and respectfully,'

    That eliminates my comments to them;)


  • CyrusThePersian

    I would tell the Governing Body, very respectfully, to please stay out of peoples' lives. Stop telling your followers what books they should read, what movies and television programs to watch, who their friends should be and whether or not they should go to school. None of that is any of your business and people should decide those things for themselves.



  • Mary

    How do you guys sleep at night????

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