The real me

by Junction-Guy 56 Replies latest jw friends

  • Priest73

    have we gotten to the gay part yet? cause I'm straight, but getting bored. can I get a gay-men?

    I'll be here all week

    Please tip you servers!!!

  • JK666


    Here's a bone.

    No, not that kind of bone.

    Shit, it is just a tip.

    Not THE tip.

    You perv.


  • cognizant dissident
    cognizant dissident
    Bottom line, few people know who they really are.

    That's because our "selves" are always changing. Our personalities are fluid not static, hopefully, for that's how we grow and change. I am not the same person who I was 20 years ago and I'm damn sure I don't want to be the same person I am now twenty years from now!

    As for "nice vs. not nice", "judgemental vs non'judgemental", "good vs rotten", these are just dualities that exist in all humans. We all have both sides of these qualities in each of us. We are never all one or the other, as IP Sec so eloquently pointed out.

    The best we can hope for is to be "half-decent" and "half-indecent".


  • JK666


    FHN has told me very good things about you. I will give you the benefit of the doubt. Just get your shit together, as we are all trying to.


  • cognizant dissident
    cognizant dissident
    Yes, you were one of the bad guys, notice I said "were". You have pretty much left me alone since and likewise I have pretty much moved on from that heated argument we had.

    Thanks for illustrating my point so well, JG. JK666 was never a "bad guy" just because he disagreed with you. He didn't suddenly become a "good guy" just because he said something nice to you. Those were just judgements of yours in the moment. They were not reality. They have nothing to do with who the real JK666 "is". Everything is not black and white! Everyone is not gay or straight. We humans are all the colors of the rainbow rolled into one.

  • Junction-Guy

    Thank you JK666

  • Junction-Guy

    Cognizent----this was not about JK666 disagreeing with me, disagreement is OK, this was about other things that went on. They have since stopped and we have buried the hatchet.

  • JK666


    You are welcome.

    In the past, you caught me on a really shitty night. And you started with a snide comment about my ex-wife. I admit, that I exacerbated the situation and brought in a whole bunch of sh!t from your past posts.

    I do not want to hurt you, or anybody on this forum. Just figure out who you are, so that you will not hurt anyone else. I hope that you come to some grip of what your sexuality is, and can move forward in the direction that you need.

    As I have said before, Good luck!


  • amicus

    I think Larc once said to me here, "Don't complain and don't explain".

    There is no need. This is the internet, many sins will be committed and many more forgiven.

    Overall this is a very tame bunch.

  • Junction-Guy

    Thanks JK, I am Ok with everything right now as regards my sexuality, I still miss Amanda, but I am content to be single if we can't be together, besides I don't have the money to blow on dates anyway, I can barely afford to feed myself let alone another woman.

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