Letter from the Witnessses

by sandy 13 Replies latest jw experiences

  • White Dove
    White Dove

    If you hear a bark followed by a scream, that would be a hounder come to pay you a visit.

  • bluesbreaker59

    To quote the Simpson's:

    "Oh yeah that's a paddlin."

    You're totally going to have elders on you, UNLESS, its a lazy bunch, and there are some congos these days that have really lazy elders.

  • Jim_TX

    I don't think that you'll hear back from anyone - either in person (hard to get past the doggies... ripping the leg off), or in mail. All they were doing was 'counting time' on a cloudy day - or perhaps your address - along with the other 'not at home' addresses got turned over to a shut-in - so she could count some time.

    Bottom line... don't fret none. No one ain't gonna come callin. As for what they do or say when they read the letter? Hard to say. If the individual who reads it is sincere... they may read past the 'apostate' word. Later on - they may get to thinking about what you said in the letter... and may open their eyes to what is around them.

    No harm done in sending the letter.


    Jim TX

  • sacrebleu

    When I was a JW, my health was bad on several different occasions.

    I was allowed by the elders to write letters instead of going from door to door.

    I'm sure that is all it is. Someone wanting to count time.

    I hope she answers you or you at least make her think.

    You never know what may do the trick.


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