Got Some Encouraging "Bad" JW News

by Seeker4 13 Replies latest forum tech-support

  • Seeker4

    An active JW was in touch with me yesterday, and we were catching up on a few things.

    I found out that a Witness I was friends with just DAed. He went to college and I'd always wondered if he has as much trouble with the JWs as I thought he might. He'd become an elder a while ago.

    Then it seems that three other multi-generation JW mid-20-somethings also were al DAed, all on the same night.

    Stirrings in the congregations. I know we've had a bunch of newbies in this same situation.

    This has to be deeply disturbing in the congregations.

    Anyone else hearing stuff like this?


  • Lady Zombie
    Lady Zombie

    Was it because of college, or did they drum up another reason?

    I'm curious because this may lend support to a prediction I have.

  • Quandary

    Encouraging news INDEED! Thanks for sharing.

  • Awakened at Gilead
    Awakened at Gilead

    Are you in touch with the newly DAd friends. I'd like to welcome them to the DA club!


  • Seeker4

    No, the DAing had nothing to do with his going to college, I don't think. My friend was actually appointed after he graduated.

    I'm trying to get in touch with some of these folks. I've been away from the congregation for 10 years or more, so I've lost touch with a lot of them. Will start mining more of my connections over the weekend to see if I can make some contacts.


  • Seeker4

    Just found out that a woman I studied with and helped bring into the Witnesses - all five of her kids have left the Org.

    That's good. The number grows.


  • FlyingHighNow

    I wonder if every person who is inactive or "apostate" suddenly turned in DA letters, how big the number would be.

  • Awakened at Gilead
    Awakened at Gilead
    I wonder if every person who is inactive or "apostate" suddenly turned in DA letters, how big the number would be.

    I've wondered that myself, but many prefer to quietly fade away. I went out with a bang... The cong still is gossiping about me, so my wife says....

  • strawberry cake
    strawberry cake

    2 weeks ago I found out that my own Study conductor has left the org for the same reasons I did. Not believing the GB are appointed by Jehovah.

    She has been hiding this from me for quite a while. She said I seemed happy and she didn't want to discourage me. She has had counseling as she is 2nd generation JW and felt worthless when she left.

    We are so happy to have each other as friends.

    XXX SC

  • loosie
    I wonder if every person who is inactive or "apostate" suddenly turned in DA letters, how big the number would be.

    That would be funny. They should have that as stat, right next to how many were baptized, how many DA'd. lol

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