The right's obsession with gays

by jstalin 21 Replies latest social current

  • jstalin

    It's pretty funny to me the level of obsession with homosexuality that many in the conservative right wing have in the United States. I occassionally go to a news web site called World Net Daily, ( which is a religious conservative news web site. Nearly every day they have articles on gays and gay issues (of course, always negative coverage). They even enclose the word gay in quotes every time they use it. It's become a bit of a game for me lately... checking out that site to count how many gay stories are there.

    There's also a web site called conservapedia, which is run by more right-wingers who think that wikipedia is too biased (gotta hate it when cited articles are considered "biased"). The web site is Check out their most-viewed articles:

    Again, four of the top 10 articles are on gays. The level of obsession is fascinating to me. But then there's an interesting study of college students and homophobia. You can read the study here. The short summary is that those who display the most vitriolic homophobia are the ones who were most likely to be arounsed by gay porn. I think this is borne out by the anecdotal experience that so many "anti-gay" polticians have been exposed to be gay themselves.
  • hillbilly

    Jstalin... sounds like propaganda to me....


  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff

    It is one of the things that is turning me against the right-wing conservative Christians. But only one of the many things. I still try and love 'em, I just can't take 'em too seriously nowadays.


  • JeffT

    As a conservative, the obsession with all things gay drives me crazy. I want conservative in the sense of fiscal responsiblity, the rights of people to own and operate businesses without undue governement influence, a strong national defense, and the like. I like girls and what two guys do isn't going to change that. I wish they'd leave it alone.

  • buckster

    I find the far left to be much more saturated.

  • Jringe01
    I wish they'd leave it alone.

    They won't, they probably never will. They seem to think they have a right to tell us how to behave, how to live etc.

  • JAVA
    The short summary is that those who display the most vitriolic homophobia are the ones who were most likely to be arounsed by gay porn.

    I couldn't agree more. I think homophobia is alive and well within many of the religious right because they struggle with their own sexuality. It's easier beating up on others than being honest about their own sexual needs/desires/questions.

    Doing this in the name of God helps cloud the issue, and close honest discussion. Loving relationships should be nurished by any religion that claims to follow a "loving God." I think the scripture is true that speaks about "knowing them by their works."

  • John Doe
    John Doe
    I think homophobia is alive and well within many of the religious right because they struggle with their own sexuality.

    I've always been suspect of this line of thought. To me it is like saying the liberals are obsessed with Bush because they secretly want to keep his policies and are fighting the urge.

  • JAVA

    I think open and honest discussion on topics usually leads to better understanding, even if one doesn't agree with the other side. That doesn't mean one who disagrees with Bush is really wanting to be like him--your point is well taken. However, I don't see many in the religious right being open to an honest discussion about gay topics.

    If one is not willing or allowed to talk about sexual issues, what do they do with their own sexual questions or issues? Does that make them gay--of course not. But since they can't fully discuss this and other sexual issues, I think that shuts down exploring their own sexual questions and needs.

  • amicus
    As a conservative, the obsession with all things gay drives me crazy. I want conservative in the sense of fiscal responsiblity, the rights of people to own and operate businesses without undue governement influence, a strong national defense, and the like. I like girls and what two guys do isn't going to change that. I wish they'd leave it alone.

    The terms Conservative and Liberal have almost become meaningless. I don't think of the right wing Christian movement as "conservatives" or even good Republicans. They are just whacko's to me, just like right wing Muslims. Not meaning to get off topic though, I too totally don't get their obsession with the Gay/Lesbian movement. It's been in the news here in CA a lot recently because now same sex couples can get married. One news reported commented "The fight to ban same sex marriage is begining on the steps of Christian Churches in California". Don't they have anything better to do?

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