What do you know about 'CHEMTRAILS'?

by Gill 105 Replies latest jw friends

  • John Doe
    John Doe

    You got a link to what was admitted to and by whom?

  • jgnat

    I agree, John Doe....depressing. Let's all have an opinion poll and decide if we are being seeded with hazardous chemicals from the sky. Or better yet, watch a few You-Tube videos to make up our minds. If that is not enough, let's cry, "conspiracy!"

    The simplest answer is usually correct. Using Occam's Razor, I'd say the contrails are most likely water vapor.


    More people getting sick? Do the statistics back that up? No. We see more sick people and more people getting mugged because there are more people.

    Now, before the conspiracy theorists have a field day with my "explanations", I'll answer your protests for you. Maybe the government made up the statistics. http://www.who.int/en/

  • What-A-Coincidence

    If you leave the word conspiracy out ... you guys have no case (even with it you don't) but you like to use like when a JW cries "apostacy!" ... bah!

  • Gill



    You might like to look through the YouTube links of Hope4Others in the other pages, for a start of course. The Guardian newspaper has covered this in their above article, the rest is slow trawling through web sites that give links.

    The above web site appears on one of those YouTube links but the information is out there.

  • Gill

    Sorry John, but link doesn't seem to be working.

    Will look for it again but I have seen it on the guardian archive site.

    Get back to you.

  • What-A-Coincidence

    YOU GUYS EVER HEARD OF THE WORD ' COMPARTMENTALIZATION'??? You should, it happens at every level of Government.

    Go read 'OBEDIENCE TO AUTHORITY' to at least get a clue John.

  • jgnat

    So what? What is the quality of the information? Again, the simplest answer...

  • What-A-Coincidence

    quality of information???

    The Facts (how the goverment has tested on civilians in the past..which is well documented...declassified documents, etc.) are out there. GO GOOGLE.

  • jgnat

    WAC: FACT. I've been in the employ of a local government for over twenty years. The nature of my job has gained me access to the most confidential collections of records in their possession. In my specialist position, I've worked for over thirteen different departments of the government. If there's one thing I've learned, the government is not competent to pull off a decent conspiracy.

    The government is made up of people just like you and me. They are no brighter, and certainly no more devious.

    Which makes sense.

  • Gill

    Jgnat - Are you willing to risk your life on that?

    Though I doubt there is very little at present we can do about 'it', let me take you back to 'Weapons of Mass Destruction'.

    Is your government capable of lying?

    Is my government capable of lying?

    They would do anything to achieve their ends and then excuse themselves with, 'But I BELIEVED I was doing the right thing!' So that makes it all right that appox 1.6 million Iraqi human beings are dead or injured?

    So, if they can lie about a public crime as obvious as that......what else can they lie about?

    Trust them if you must.....but not with your life and not with the lives of others.

    The people who rule us appear to be criminals who are exempt from the rule of law and as we know, power corrupts but absolute power corrupts absolutely.

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