I'm Ready To Confront My Dad - I'd Like Some Feedback...

by cognac 15 Replies latest jw friends

  • Jringe01

    Cognac: Out of all the letters to friends and family that I've read on this site I must say this is by far the best I've seen yet. It's short and to the point (a real plus with letters of this nature) and it sticks to one point, namely that everyone was making a big deal out of your perfectly honest questions, not giving you answers and how that made you feel.

    I also like the reverse shunning thing at the end...where you say how you can't go to family members for spirtual advice. Nice touch!

  • Fadeout

    That would be great as a letter. There's really no way to argue against anything you said.

  • moshe

    Cognac, I think this could all be cleared up in about 60 minutes, if we could get a roundtable discussion with you , your dad and a member of the GB. Of course they GB will never make themselves available to answer any questions and the JW's are supposed to follow the WT's rules/ideas no matter how crazy they become. Good luck.

  • lostsheep82

    BussyBee, that was rude. Give her some credit. she starts posts cause she is just like you and me...looking for answers.

    Were all adults here and don't need to be talked to like that.

  • BizzyBee
    BussyBee, that was rude.

    Sorry you took it that way, lost.

    I dialed my DIL the other day, then put the phone down to do something else. Cracked myself up when I discovered it! So I have a short attention span myself. Sometimes roodness is in the eye of the reader.

  • Farkel

    Don't send it. Trust me. Don't send it.

    They did you wrong. You didn't do them wrong. Bless them, but you shouldn't play in their game.


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