letter from jo'anne

by zerubberballz 15 Replies latest jw friends

  • zerubberballz

    Warning: No diving at this end of the gene pool! .. boring personal family stuff ahead!


    I have a mother, five sisters and a brother. My mother and three of my sisters are still active Jehovah's Witnesses as are various cousins and once or twice removed relatives ;) When I made it clear I no longer believed the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society to be supreme font of all wisdom they were shattered. All thier cult induced mind control screamed at them to shut off all association with me but each of them for seperate and deep psychological reasons still clings to my love like the neglected children i've sometimes had grab my leg for security and comfort.*

    Anyway, my eldest daughter Amy (the blonde witch of gothic lane) writes to all the relatives and yesterday recieved one from my younger sister Jo'anne. In it was a side note addressed to me which said she was 'stronger than ever in the truth' and enjoying witnessing with Susan Bird, the wife of an old friend of mine. She then yabbered on a bit about material things (jws are so materialistic it's not funny! lol) and closed by saying her only begotton son Nicky Wicky (on whose birth i sent gold frankinsence and myrr .. fair dinkum .. she reconded he was gods gift to the world .. mm she stopped sending me photos of him after that .. i have more photos of Jo'annes pregnant stomach than i have of my own kids! .. Jo'anne is obsessive compulsive or whatever.) .. spends most of his time in his bedroom playing on his new computer. (you thinking what i'm thinking?)

    Me thinks young Nephew Nicky Wicky's gonna need some help escaping Watchtower World one day and Jo'anne has just given him the tool to do it. He's only a 12 year old and knowing my slack family he probably hasn't been dunked yet, but I can't see his computer staying offline for long. I've kept my distance so far but this gives me new hope that this unc might just have some input over the family yet .. mm wonder if any of my jw relies do email?

    Hang on Nieces and Nephews, unc is on the way! Ten years ago, with the help of Steve Hassans excellent book "Combatting Cult Mind Control" i helped clear several of my sisters heads of watchtowerisms. I think it's seed speading time again and I want to thank everyone who reads this for the wonderful help you've been in typing to Simons board and elswhere on the net.

    You people are No1. DeCreme dele Crem (DaCream Deli Cream?)

    cheers, unclebruce.

    *a little kid did that the other day and although i laughed at the time it bought back sad memories of working with orphans a few years back. I was in a shop and my attention was trapped by a little black boy standing there staring up at me. There he was giving my bearded face a good going over with a very serious look ... I averted my gaze and wished real hard "please for gods sake don't cry!" then he thudded into me and clung to my leg with all his 4 year old might. LOL It actually felt awkward .. now my babies are turning into women i'm getting out of touch with how to handle little people.

  • DannyBear

    Hello cheeky one,

    See my CO comments were right on, even your own family consider's you the cat's meow (and freddy to).....

    ***. All thier cult induced mind control screamed at them to shut off all association with me but each of them for seperate and deep psychological reasons still clings to my love like the neglected children i've sometimes had grab my leg for security and comfort.***

    Evil apostate that you are, you can't get people to treat you badly. Now just what does that say about you? (rehtorical question)

    Face it you slimeball, demonized, devine'ing, god unfearing, taoist of the outback...your are easy to love.

    Now that Iam done with all the muushy stuff. Get back to work on that gold mine, when I show up, you think I will only being looking for a cup of tea??? Ounces, man, ounces of 24K. Materialistic as any loyal jdub ever was.


  • zerubberballz

    Look what the cougar dragged in!

    g'day bearfurry, (or is it bearfury today? ;)

    Good to hear from you old fella. As it is, I'm headed back bush on Sunday with the new toys. I'll be into snail mail once i get back and will keep you up to date as she rises.

    cheers, galahman.

    PS: Careful with that effusive praise, flattery will get you everywhhere .. i really didn't mean to sound self congratualatory. as you know - self praise is no recomendation at all!

  • sf

    "but I can't see his computer staying offline for long. I've kept my distance so far but this gives me new hope that this unc might just have some input over the family yet .. mm wonder if any of my jw relies do email?"

    I too, recently learned Unc, that my mom NOW has a computer. Won't be long she's loggin' into yahoo for a lil' chitchat w/ her co-herts.




  • zerubberballz

    Brilliant skallygirl!

    It'd be great fun if/when you and your mom get together in cyberspace .. you two might get some healing done yet .. to you and young girlygoogs >>> ((((((hug))))))

    warm regards, unc.

  • Farkel

    : Evil apostate that you are, you can't get people to treat you badly.

    Wanna bet?


    "When in doubt, duck!"

  • DannyBear


    Now that you have come out of the closet, so to speak (ehem relax Joel, he aint your type)it will be alot easier to understand the Farkmiester.

    You have the hair, look, and charisma of any stand up comedian, I've ever seen.

    A night to remember...appearing live 'George Carlin and Doug Checkett's' a one night duo worth every effort to attend. In less than two hours, George and Doug completely dismantle any previously held sacred traditions, skewer the likes of Catholic's, Baptist's, Mormon's and particularly Jehovah's Witnesses, Checkett's irreverent, cutting edge (sharp, really sharp) dialog, will have you crying for relief...well Mormon's and Jw's anyway. A must see. Bring ear plugs for the little one's. No one under 50 allowed. Rated beyond XXX the rating board was split 12-11 in favor of banning the whole show.


  • waiting

    Tell a man that there are 500 billion stars in the universe and he will believe you. Tell him a fence has just been painted and he has to touch it to find out that it has been. Herb Cohen

    This must be one of those male bonding threads. Poor skally is outnumbered. Just thought I'd drop by to encourage her, eh?

    Howdy & adios (mixing whatevers).


  • DannyBear


    Male bonding is ok, but what really gets us male types excited, is when females pay attention.

    So you and Skally are welcome to interject anytime!


  • waiting


    There are no exceptions to the rule that everybody likes to be an exception to the rule. Malcolm Forbes

    And you have no idea how damned long it took to type the forgoing after 4 glasses of wine...........correctly.

    To tell the truth, I never could figure out what ub was talking about in the intial post. "wait"ed to see what would develop. Then you came on......and the rest was history!


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