Furuli. The prominent elder in Norway not too popular among top dogs

by Samuel Thorsen 50 Replies latest jw friends

  • dust


    Unless the WTS ends up turning a blind eye to a "splinter" organization as in Albania.

    What happened in Albania?

  • TD

    A few years ago, Mr. Furuli attempted a defense of the JW blood doctrine.

    Several people that post on JWD also participated:


  • Samuel Thorsen
    Samuel Thorsen
    Do you think he would launch a splinter group like Greg Stafford?

    No, I would not bet on that.

    But if he did he would surely get a good bunch of followers, he is some kind of charismatic in his own strange way.

    I did not know about Stafford's splinter group. Where can I read about that?

  • InquiryMan

    I think she actually refers to a rather big splinter group in Romania, and mixed up the countries....

  • hamilcarr
  • undercover

    I didn't know scholar's real name was known either...

    For the longest time, I half thought that another poster was having fun being "scholar" just to be able to have someone to argue with on the WT stand on 607.

  • AnnOMaly

    Anyway dedicating a compleat local needs part on a service meeting to the theme "GB is not inspired" is a bold act.

    Whoah! Straight up? I mean, I know official teaching is the GB is not 'inspired' - only 'spirit-directed' (as if there's a practical difference in the way the R&F treat their pronouncements). But to hammer that home to the congo in a local needs item - yes, very bold. My local congo would do well to have such a talk. The SO proclaims that Jehovah writes the KM and Jesus writes the branch letters (I kid you not).

  • IT Support
    IT Support

    Samuel Thorsen,

    Thank you for your interesting post.

    # 2. Governing Body. Furuli says: GB is not spirit directed.(GB dont claim to be, but a lot of JW belive they are and enligthening the dubs are controversial.)

    Actually, the GB does claim to be spirit-directed:

    *** w06 4/1 p. 24 par. 14 ‘Go and Make Disciples, Baptizing Them’ ***
    The second question also reminds the candidate of his responsibility to work with Jehovah’s spirit-directed organization.
    *** w06 4/1 p. 22 ‘Go and Make Disciples, Baptizing Them’ ***
    Do you understand that your dedication and baptism identify you as one of Jehovah’s Witnesses in association with God’s spirit-directed organization?
    *** w98 10/15 p. 14 par. 4 Jerusalem—Is It ‘Above Your Chief Cause for Rejoicing’? ***
    What an encouragement such individuals are for all today who view Jehovah, his worship, and his spirit-directed organization in the same way!
    *** w97 1/15 p. 22 par. 21 What Does God Require of Us? ***
    We must serve Jehovah with his spirit-directed organization.


  • toreador

    Ok, IT support,

    It also says they are not inspired somewhere too. They like to have it both ways, because i really dont understand the difference.


  • IT Support
    IT Support


    It also says they are not inspired somewhere too. They like to have it both ways, because i really dont understand the difference.

    You're absolutely right.

    On the one hand they say they're not "inspired." On the other hand they say they are "spirit-directed."

    What's the difference? Zilch, nada, nothing at all.

    Why do they do it? It's yet another way to deliberately confuse the 'rank and file' - they (a) assert they have divine authority while (b) maintaining deniability for their numerous false prophecies.

    As you correctly state: "they like to have it both ways"!

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