Adventures at the DC

by metaspy 22 Replies latest jw friends

  • metaspy

    [insert Indiana Jones music] I missed Friday's session because I had to work.
    Actually I wanted to work, instead of go to the DC.

    I happen to run into a "brother" who happened to work with me on QuickBuilds not too long ago.
    He was DF'd for a bit and reinstated this year.
    My mom had talked to him on Friday about my current situation (not attending meetings).
    He said he wanted to talk to me to see how things were going (red flags in my head).

    I brought up about Child Molestations, 607 vs. 587, and the general "Better than thou" attitude the elders have.
    His response through the whole thing was "you can't blame Jehovah's organization for what imperfect men do".
    My defense against that was, "where does the actions of men end and the organization as a whole begin?"
    Essentially saying, you can't blame everything on men. Somewhere in there it becomes the organizations fault.

    He got distracted by an old friend of his walking by and I scrambled outta there.
    I didn't see him again for the rest of the assembly.

  • searchingforfriends

    "you can't blame Jehovah's organization for what imperfect men do"

    I HATE it when people say that! There is just no accountability!

  • Meeting Junkie No More
    Meeting Junkie No More

    Well, if we're going to make allowances for the imperfect men, let's give the Pope a break too! I always say...

  • metaspy

    I forgot to mention...
    He said that Elders are appointed by holy spirit only in qualifications.
    That conflicted with a talk on Saturday that said they were directly appointed by Holy Spirit.

  • Gopher
    His response through the whole thing was "you can't blame Jehovah's organization for what imperfect men do".
    My defense against that was, "where does the actions of men end and the organization as a whole begin?"

    We see the organization differently than the JW's do. We know that the organization is the sum of its people and activities. Nothing mystical about it.

    The JW's see their organization as some mystical thing run by Jehovah, and so therefore it's always right.

  • Quandry

    I forgot to mention...
    He said that Elders are appointed by holy spirit only in qualifications.
    That conflicted with a talk on Saturday that said they were directly appointed by Holy Spirit. They seem to go back and forth over this. If you call them on it, then, it's only the qualifications that get them appointed. But if you are called on by one of them, they are quick to use the Holy Spirit thing, and everything they decide is directly from God.... And how about elders that turn out to be child abusers? Did Holy Spirit appoint them even though they had their little "problem?"

  • 83501nwahs

    I spoke with a man, (I went over to the convention to talk to people yesterday) who was the most condescending prick I had ever met. We talked about the 13 million dollar settlemen that he knew nothing about, and the excuses were all the same. They are iperfect men after all. I should have asked him at what point is the sins of the GB so great that you start to doubt whether they are really god's mouthpiece. If the murder a million people, are they still just imperfect and still god's FDS? Is hiding the ID of molesters causing other children to be molested as a direct result of their hiding the ID of the molesters not a crime? Isn't that bad enough to cause one to think about the credibility of those men?

  • SirNose586

    I'm really tired of the "perfect org, imperfect men" excuse. This makes no sense whatsoever. There is no organization apart from the people, none. If everyone from elders on upward were to suddenly disappear tomorrow, there is no magical "perfect organization" to run the show. You would have nothing left--no rocks crying out either, though I would be the first person to obey the rocks if they really did start talking.

    The imperfect men are the organization, in sum. The imperfect men make the rules, and the imperfect men make the decisions. And yes, they're always going to go by the "imperfect men guided by holy spirit" line too. Fine then. So were the first Christians. I know this will lead you right back where you started eventually, but, let no one get away with the "imperfect men, perfect org" fallacy.

  • metaspy

    At the point where he was using the "perfect bOrg, imperfect men" excuse, I was looking for an exit.
    I could have argued with him, but it would have taken time. And that was time I didn't want to spend.

  • blondie

    2008-2009 "Guided by God's Spirit" District Convention of Jehovah's Witnesses Friday
    "The Spirit Will Guide You Into All the Truth" – John 16:13


    Why Be Guided By God's Spirit?

    Holy Spirit At Work in Creation

    Symposium:Faithful Ones of Old Guided By God's Spirit
    In Moses Time
    In the Days of the Judges
    In the First Century

    Keynote Address: Holy Spirit's Role in the Outworking of Jehovah's Purpose


    Answers to Questions About Holy Spirit

    The Spirit Searches Into the Deep Things of God

    Become Hearers and Doers of God's Word

    Symposium: Young People Walk By Holy Spirit
    At School
    At Work
    In the Family
    In the Congregation
    During Social Activities
    When Alone

    Young People – Safeguard Your Relationship With Jehovah

    "Sowing With A View To the Spirit" – Galatians 6:8


    Symposium: Directed By God's Spirit In Our Ministry

    Dedication and Baptism


    Bible Writers Bourne Along By Holy Spirit

    Symposium: Empowered By Holy Spirit
    To Fight Temptation
    To Cope With Tiredness and Discouragement
    To Withstand Persecution
    To Resist Harmful Peer Pressure
    To Endure Adversity

    Keep Yourselves In God's Love

    "Keep Walking By Spirit" – Galatians 5:16


    Symposium: Cultivate the Fruitage of the Spirit(9 Parts - Discusses each aspect of the sprit's fruitage mentioned at Galatians 5:22, 23)

    Public Talk: Reap Blessings Through Jehovah's Spirit Guided King


    Do Not Leave the Love You Had At First (Depicts attitudes and situations that likely existed at the end of the 1st century as the great apostasy was setting in.)

    Loyally Serving With Jehovah's Spirit Directed Organization

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