Do you have pets? What kind? Names?

by White Dove 57 Replies latest jw friends

  • Hortensia

    that's a lot of names for a little hamster to carry! Cute, though. I remember pet hamsters we had when I was a kid - plus cats, rabbits, and a dog. I love cats, but chickens are wonderful pets too. I had 30 chickens once, such fun. Especially the Rhode Island reds - they have the nicest personality. I would occasionally go out in the chicken yard (we called it the Chicken Ritz) and kill flies with a fly swatter. Two of the hens, very gracious ladies, would follow me. I'd whack a fly and then hold the fly swatter down to one of the hens. She would say a gentle thank you and then eat the fly. So cute, they were great at pest control. I saw a chicken eat a scorpion one day - one peck and that guy was a goner! We had some exotic hens too, and some bantams. The bantams are fun as they have personalities far larger than their size.

  • Low-Key Lysmith
    Low-Key Lysmith

    CIMG5305.jpg picture by _Breck_TaylorDeschutesShaneHollie009.jpg picture by _Breck_Taylor

    Ripley the Cat. Female. 6 years old.Her hobbies include chasing laser pointer dots, hunting frogs & birds, & dropping big ol' stinky deuces in her litter box.

    FirstSetofDigiCamPhotos077.jpg picture by _Breck_TaylorCopyofLewisFloat12-03-06020.jpg picture by _Breck_Taylor

    Ronin the Dog. 12 years old. Male. Rottweiler/Husky. He enjoys fishing & riding in the drift boat, singing (howling), & hanging with his pals at the dog park.

  • calico

    Two cats





    An aquarium full of fish

    I also like to feed and watch the birds outside

  • KKLUV155

    I have a toy poodle named Patches who loves my hubby to death. I have a avery outside full of Zebra finches. I have a beta fish named Hank and a hermit crab named Hermie.

  • babygirl75

    Two Pomeranians...

    Black Pom is Chester 4lbs. Cream Pom is Skeeter 10lbs.

  • BFD

    Low Key, your cat looks like a dog!

    At home I have 2 Italian Greyhounds (Gracie & Mimi) and 2 cats (Sam & Simon). My extended family are 2 alpacas (Milo & Sol) and a lamb named Mindy.

    I also have a pig but it's not really a pet cause I'm gonna eat it.


  • FlyingHighNow

    Okay, when is someone going to place a pic of his/her behonkey cleavage as an avatar?

  • restrangled

    2 Dobermans, Zeus (100 pounds) and Maximum (110 pounds) and one 18 pound cat named girlie that slaps either one silly if they get too pushy.

    Both Dogs are big babies that I tuck in at night under blankets with their heads on pillows,........... Of course during the day they are big bad boys.


  • Farkel

    : Do you have pets? What kind? Names?

    What possible benefit does trash like this offer, other than to let people crow about their pets? Who gives a shit?


  • asilentone

    Farkel, are you being disrespectful?

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