I can only laugh

by treadnh2o 14 Replies latest jw friends

  • Mr Ben
    Mr Ben

    It's probably what your kids are saying, "Do mum & dad really go in for this crap?"

    You might be surprised by the reaction of your kids if you show them some of the logical nonsense of the cult - they are possibly just going through the motions currently for you! And if not, it is your duty to teach them about The Lie.

  • BFD


    Laugh away! It helps.


  • bigmouth

    Welcome water walker, you of the singular emotion.

    I predict that you will fit in very well here. And I don't often prophecy.

  • Hope4Others
    I need to go prepare my presentation for tomorrow in case someone comes to a door I pretend to knock on.

    I can see that this is hard on you, have you thought about cutting back on service, try the "token" idea, or become in active....

    Your heart seems quite torn here, if you are at the point that it takes a few drinks to give a talk, you may need to re-think things and find a way to bring less stress to

    your life, you already started by letting your wife know your feelings try to work from there.

    Best wishes in finding your freedom.


  • treadnh2o

    I can see that this is hard on you, have you thought about cutting back on service, try the "token" idea, or become in active.... Your heart seems quite torn here, if you are at the point that it takes a few drinks to give a talk, you may need to re-think things and find a way to bring less stress to your life, you already started by letting your wife know your feelings try to work from there. Actually it is not that difficult. My heart is not torn and believe it or not I have very little stress in my life. If you notice it was the last saturday of the month( token service) and the preparing was a joke. My wife thanked me for the first heartfelt spiritual conversation we have had in many years of marriage and then shared some of her apostate views. She also agreed that all my reasons for calling out this cult could not be objectively argued.. She realizes if she tells anyone my view, her life would change and I would deny it to the elder body just to screw with them. And as for the drinking it really isn't required I just wanted to do something to prove I didn't give a crap and nobody would get hurt( I didn't drive home). Turns out nobody was listening-they never do- because all I got was compliments-couldn't say the closing prayer however. But thanks for the concern. this is just a great place to vent.

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