Is Your Life THAT Much Better Off Since Leaving The Witnesses?

by minimus 35 Replies latest jw friends

  • willyloman

    My answer is "Yes" because I am now able to fully focus on what's really important.

    Before, I spent at least 20 hours a week preparing for relatively unimportant things. I thought they were important, but they weren't. When I wasn't preparing for meetings, talks, service, shepherding calls, studies and so forth, I was thinking about them. As a result, I missed having a much more balanced life. I'm having fun trying to rectify that now!

  • minimus

    They are the happiest people on earth, alright. They look like they're always depressed.

  • chickpea

    so much better for the family to be out of the doomsday atmosphere..... catching up on real life is so inspiring!

  • Junction-Guy

    I probably would have been better off not knowing the real truth about the "troof", just living my life day to day. I am thankful I left it though, at least I have personal freedoms that were non existent then.

  • NanaR

    Witnesses love to say how "miserable" the "apostates" are when they

    leave "The Truth".

    How would you respond to this statement from your own personal experience??

    Min: I have not been miserable at all since I left the Witnesses. I would not trade my life now for my life as a Witness even if the trade was accompanied by large amounts of cash LOL. Life without JWs -- PRICELESS!! Since I work in the public eye, the JWs of my town know that I am a happy, active person who is involved in many civic and charitable activities. I am frequently "out there" in their faces so to speak. JWs who have known me since birth avert their eyes when I walk past them in WalMart. I feel sorry for them. Pax, Ruth

  • jaguarbass

    My life is more difficult because of the 31 years I spent as a JW.

    But I have to think it is better and more enjoyable than when I was trapped in the tower.

    After 75 came and went there was no way I could delude myself and keep a child like mind.

    I am the one who chooses how to waste my time, not the Gibbering Body.

    And I dont have to waste my time listening to lies with a smiling face and clappng my hands.

    I dont have to get excitted every year in anticipation of a new announcement.

    I dont have to be thrilled with extacy anticipating a circus seers visit or an upcoming assembly.

    I dont have to rapidly build kingdumb halls.

    So yes I have to say it is that much better.

    I still dont have time to watch tv.

  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    Hmmm let'd see

    • abusive husband/elder - gone
    • suicidal thoughts and plans - gone
    • high school drop-out - gone - left and got a professional diploma and a BA - although I still didn't finish high school
    • psychosomatic health problems
      • pinched nerve in neck - gone
      • IBS - mostly gone - definitely under control
      • headaches - gone
    • study only WT approved info - gone
    • attempts to be perfect elder's wife - gone
    • fears and phobias - gone
    • anxiety attacks - gone
    • severely negative sense of self-esteem - never good enough - gone

    To be fair some of the above started before I became a witness but they ALL got worse while I was a JW

    Is Your Life THAT Much Better Off Since Leaving The Witnesses? ABSOLUTELY!!!

  • Honesty

    Dumping their plastic Jesus in the trash bin was the best thing that ever happened in my life.

  • LouBelle

    That I have never been happier. I live my life true to myself, I am happy, have a deep sense of joy and have found a peace I never had before.

  • Junction-Guy

    Of course it would have been much better if I could have left with a couple hundred thou in my pocket.

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