I would prefer my children to die than to have them Df'd

by lilyflor 26 Replies latest jw experiences

  • lilyflor

    I was still in the "troof" a couple of years ago when my mom said that to my face, in front of my husband no less.

    He was a JW as well, he couldn't believe it.

    My reply was "well I will give my life to save my children and if God sees fit to punish me for that - that's his choice"


  • sacolton

    And people still don't think this is a dangerous cult?

  • drew sagan
    drew sagan

    When your entire reality is based on the extreme chances you take (like joining hard line fundamentalist religions) there is sometimes little room left for error and personal responsibility.

    Its amazing how self indulgent the Watchtower system makes a person. It keeps people from reasonably looking at the world in terms of how it can serve them and build up their own ideas of right and wrong.

  • Gopher

    Because if the children die, then they will be resurrected into a new earth filled with Jehovah's Witnesses and pet lions and such.

  • Dagney
    When your entire reality is based on the extreme chances you take (like joining hard line fundamentalist religions) there is sometimes little room left for error and personal responsibility.

    Its amazing how self indulgent the Watchtower system makes a person. It keeps people from reasonably looking at the world in terms of how it can serve them and build up their own ideas of right and wrong.

    Absolutely! Good points.

  • sweet pea
    sweet pea

    The cult makes some say the strangest and most hurtful things.

    My hard-line JW girlfriend once said that she almost didn't want her children to get baptised because she couldn't bear the thought of them being DF'd.

  • dinah

    That is truly sick.

  • Ruth Eeker
    Ruth Eeker

    I am sorry you had to hear that from your mother.

    Sacolton said it perfectly:

    And people still don't think this is a dangerous cult?
  • RollerDave


    Crazy is as crazy does and some dubs are on the clock 24/7/365.25!

    My mom told me she loves me "like a son" but I am "the evil slave."

    Hard to be prepared for high-octane premium crazy when they dump it all over you and start rooting around for a match.

    Hang in there, her world is ending as the WTS implodes upon itself, maybe then you BOTH can be in what's left and the old world can be the 'new world'?

    Well, 'new' to her at least.


  • Galileo

    Reminds me of an interview of a hardcore muslem I saw once. Both his sons had killed themselves as suicide bombers. He said: "I only regret I had only two sons to martyr themselves!" Notice he was still alive to be interviewed. Apparently the thought that he could give up his own life the same way his young brainwashed kids had didn't cross his mind. Similarly, your mother didn't say "I'd rather die than have my children disfellowshipped." Profoundly sad. I'm truly sorry.

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