I Do Not Understand Why JWs Leave & Become Catholics!

by minimus 239 Replies latest jw friends

  • minimus

    The Catholic Church allows such freedoms, huh? But OFFICIALLY, if you do not accept the 10 Commandments and papal decrees, you could find yourself in "hell". The Mafia are big into the RCC. They kill and violate every part of the Bible and The Church, yet all they have to do is get a priest and recieve absolution on their deathbed.

    The fact that you can be a church member in good standing and still have an abortion is hypocritical, no??

    It's all pomp with the Popemobile, the Jesus attire (), the lovers of the Latin Mass who know zippo about what they're hearing and so forth!

    For those who criticize the JWs, be honest! The RCC iswhatever you want it to be. No matter what is preached, the clergy and parishoners can do things that they feel is right for that moment. It's a lazy man's religion.

    (And remember, I'm not for any religion....I just think the RCC REALLY is a hypocritical religion).

  • lonelysheep
    The Catholic Church allows such freedoms, huh? But OFFICIALLY, if you do not accept the 10 Commandments and papal decrees, you could find yourself in "hell".

    Hell in death, yes....but no one alive is breathing down your back 24/7 or 3 nights a week questioning your faith in the religion and god. It does allow you to still "live" now.

  • minimus

    and heat up for eternity. with the devil.

  • lonelysheep


    Exactly....you'll get what's due to you somehow, at some point!

    That's why I put all religions and karmatic philosophies in the same sunk boat.

  • NanaR

    Just A Human:

    Great post!!


  • minimus

    The church apostasized from the beginning. Schisms occured regularly and Councils were needed to deal with heretical beliefs. To suggest that the RCC was the beginning of the Christian Congregation is ludicrous. I have a number of books that I bought at Christian bookstores a few years back that detail the corruption of the Church.

  • Wordly Andre
    Wordly Andre

    Minimus, that reminds me of something my priest said last year, when talking about the recent sexual abuse by priests, he said something to the effect that, "The Catholic church is not perfect, it is after all a church lead by sinners, as all men are sinners, and we haven't been perfect church since jesus died for our sins, but as long as our belief, our love and trust in the lord our faith will overcome." I don't remember word for word what he said but it was something like that.

  • undercover
    that reminds me of something my priest said last year, when talking about the recent sexual abuse by priests, he said something to the effect that, "The Catholic church is not perfect, it is after all a church lead by sinners, as all men are sinners, and we haven't been perfect church since jesus died for our sins, but as long as our belief, our love and trust in the lord our faith will overcome."

    What the fuck difference is that from what the Watchtower Society says: (paraphrased) The organization is not infallable and has made mistakes. The earthly organization is afterall made up of imperfect men and imperfect men will make mistakes. But we can still be assured that Jehovah's spirit is upon his organization as it is the only hope for mankind. So we should put our hope in this only hope for salvation.

  • Finally-Free
    I have a number of books that I bought at Christian bookstores a few years back that detail the corruption of the Church.

    I've acquired some books like that, but I make it a point to read the Catholic rebuttals as well.


  • BurnTheShips
    The church apostasized from the beginning.

    Then Jesus was a liar:

    Jesus replied, "Blessed are you, Simon son of Jonah, for this was not revealed to you by man, but by my Father in heaven. And I tell you that you are Peter,and on this rock I will build my church, and the gates of Hades will not overcome it. Matthew 16:17


    And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age. Matthew 28:20

    Schisms occured regularly and Councils were needed to deal with heretical beliefs.

    Schismatics and heretics were operating even during the Apostolic time as evidenced by the NT text itself. The Jerusalem council in Acts 15 is an example of just such a council needed to make a ruling with respect to the faith.

    To use your logic the church was apostate even while the Apostles lived.


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