JW religion is not all that bad really

by veen 41 Replies latest jw friends

  • BFD
    all I can say is any of you idiots who post on here who say you left the JW's and have now found Jesus are totally retarded. You really need to get a grip on reality and stop needing religion as a crutch.

    Well aren't you a peach. OTOH, I'm glad that's all you can say.

    Buh Bye!


  • megaflower

    bad post!!! What the heck you been smoking????????????????????

  • White Dove
    White Dove

    As an older student at a university, my nose is pretty much trained in how to sniff out immature people. I smell ya! Yuck! Are you really 29, or are you 19? Do you feel brave posting such offensive statements on an almost anonymous board?

  • John Doe
    John Doe

    The mindset of the op is quite common among recently disassociated jws, in my experience. I think this is a product of the jw experience. In essence, jws never learn to honestly evaluate opposing viewpoints and therefore they can not see any validity in any view of the world other than their own. They are still lock step with the mindset that judges other people and feels that they have to tell other people what to think and how to live.

    Ironic when you analyze it. The happiest and most intelligent people seem, to me at least, to try and find common ground with other people rather than exacerbate differences and denounce that which they don't understand.

  • JWdaughter

    There are a lot of devils in the world-but the WTS is the devil we know. The devil that has hurt us, so that is the topic of this board. If you think we are idiots, I hope you have good luck with finding a board that is filled with Rhodes Scholars. Me, I am a couple of points short of genius, so I hope that even though you find us idiotic, that you can take pity on us poor unfortunates and at least be civil.

    I am not a Christian.

  • WTWizard

    OK, so I will state that a religion is judged on the degree of mysticism it promotes (which affects how many stupid rules and impediments to true fulfillment it can cause).

    The Bible itself is flawed. Paul mistook Jesus' teachings literally, which is why there are so many inconsistencies found in that part of the Bible. Most of the Protestant denominations and independent Bible studying will lead to this level.

    Then the early Catholic church handpicked the parts of the Bible that suited its agenda. That is what survives to this day. The King James version was an early attempt to assemble those books for the common people. Again, most Christian denominations are affected by this problem.

    Now, where the witlesses come in. Starting with an already corrupt Bible, they further alter it to fit their own agenda. Then they take snippets out of context, and they have a Filthful and Disgraceful Slavebugger that interprets those snippets and manipulates them to fit their doctrines. Of course, they have to continually alter it to fit the "new light". Additionally, the witlesses tamper with the meanings of words in the English language so that they can prevent integrated thinking. In this way, they have won lawsuits. They also remain a threat to seize control of all assets and people on the planet, plunging mankind into the Second Dark Ages.

    Now that is "all that bad", and worse.

  • jookbeard

    Veen , the WTS is bad, very bad and quite easily the worst out of all the bad ones, how many Dubs have died after abstaining from blood over the years 1000, 5000, maybe 10,000? so that makes Waco and the Jonestown tragedies seem minor, and the SilentLambs cases over the years is that bad? Yes it is! The WTS a safe haven for active paedo sex abusers, rapists etc, but the WTS isn't that bad is it Veen!

  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff

    I am always amazed when a newcomer to this site makes such wide, sweeping statements, as if he has seen everything that goes on here.

    One thing the poster needs to understand is that we all have different mechanisms for coping with the effects of having been held captive to the Jw ideologies. And over the very long time-span of it's existence, this forum has been anything but a soft-touchy-feely- let's all go get another mind-numbing religion to sooth our hurting hearts, forum.

    A little compassion would be acceptable. Tolerance would be nice also. You condemn the intolerance of religion, while excusing your own? Give me a flippin' break! And give Christians a break - just because you have personally estimated that religion is all evil, all corrupt, based apparently on a tv program that depicts a certain group - does not make it so. I no longer rely on the 'crutch' of religion myself - but I feel no need to eviscerate those who do. All are entitled to believe what they want. Unlike Jw's tight control of our views - this board is about the freedom to choose. Shouldn't we respect that instead of attacking it?


  • avengers
    all I can say is any of you idiots who post on here who say you left the JW's and have now found Jesus are totally retarded.


  • jgnat

    Rather than compare the Witnesses to other religions, why not compare them with, say, other multi-level marketing schemes?

    Trying to rescind your membership is a bear. Not only do you have to worry about your relatives ever speaking to you again, but you also risk eternal death, as well. Pretty steep threat, I'd say.

    I'd say some of the other MLM's suck just as much commitment out of their members. The endless meetings, the constant push to sell, sell, sell the product.

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