What is my problem......

by loosie 34 Replies latest jw experiences

  • chickpea

    gun shy

  • loosie

    maybe I am jaded. I know I don't have a problem being in other churches, because of all the furnerals I have attended lately.

    Well at least no one preached to me. woo hoo

  • real one
    real one

    you mentioned one of my favorite new songs, well new to me- Open The Eyes Of My Heart Lord. At my church we have the screens that show the lyrics to the songs and those are some awesome lyrics to those songs! These songs are so emotional to me i cry everytime we sing them. I tell myself everytime im not gonna cry but now im just gonna take some tissue with me because i can't help it. I've missed so much. Praising God is a wonderful thing.

  • jamiebowers

    Maybe you relate those songs to the tv commercials for the albums where people in the audience are reaching heavenward with their eyes closed, all the while swaying as if they were slayed by the holy spirit. Maybe you're like me: my relationship with God is private just as my relationship with my husband is. Just as you wouldn't make love to your husband out in the street, you don't like to see overly emotional people expressing their faith. Just a few ideas to think about.

  • Hortensia

    I bet you like some of the great classical liturgical music. It's the sappiness of the lyrics, and the fact that the people singing them think they are profound. They involve really slopping thinking, and a self-righteous cult-like devotion to the religion, asking no questions. It isn't the music, it's the whole phony religious system that makes you want to puke. Go listen to some lovely classical music, much of which was written for religious reasons, but it's actually beautiful stuff. With little or no doctrine preached at you...

  • loosie

    I think Jamie and Hortensia nailed it.

    Maybe you relate those songs to the tv commercials for the albums where people in the audience are reaching heavenward with their eyes closed, all the while swaying as if they were slayed by the holy spirit

    I've never been one for drama.

    They involve really slopping thinking, and a self-righteous cult-like devotion to the religion

    They get so emotional about something there is no proof for.

    I guess I over think the lyrics. When it says " open the eyes of my heart lord I want to see you" Well maybe he isn't there to be seen. I mean of someone who wants to be found he sure hides well.

    I do try really hard to let people believe what they want. They have that right just like I do. But in the midwest you just can't go around saying you don't believe like they do. It' wouldn't be pretty.

  • llbh

    I went to an Easter Service in New York amd whilst i found much more enjoyable than the wt meetings i find my doffiiculties arising since leaving them got in the way.

    There was a Lady leading the congregation which i realy liked, why dont more religions have female ministers, it adds to the experience/

    Regards David

  • LouBelle

    did they sound like durges??? could be a link back to the Jw songs - they were boring.


    you just aint cut out for church songs.

  • DJK
    "Jesus take the wheel"

    That reminds me of an Eddie Murphy skit where he and Stevie Wonder are in a car and Eddie says to Stevie, "You think your so cool, you drive".

    I attribute my dislike for most religous music to the singing at the KH. We always sat in the back row fortunately, so I don't think anyone noticed I just mouthed the words. One thing worse than a bad song, the bad singers and there were a lot at my KH.


  • mouthy

    I cant help thinking "Boy did the WT do a work on you lot" The hatred shines through. ( especially Hortensia)You dont like it when the Christians express theirselves ,but boy!!! your hurt shines through

    o.k. mouthy you better run like hell, they are gonna come down on you like a ton of bricks.

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