Does anyone get scared?

by aud8 45 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Rev B
    Rev B

    Whatever the WT says, the Bible is what accounts. A resurrection of all has been promised in their due time (John 5:25-29, Acts 24.15; Rev 20:13). WT likes to use Rev chapter 19 and claim it's not important that the people slain here aren't throwed into the lake of fire. However, if they are not thrown into the lake of fire, they are not put into 2nd death. End of story. It was just J.F. Rutherford's invention when he turned bad some time after 1925.

  • seven006

    No, I am not scared, not in the slightest. There have been numerous catastrophic events throughout the history of this planet much more devastating than the events of September 11. We tend to focus one what has happened most recently and forget about what has accrued in the past. A majority of people tend to believe and react to the
    last person or last event that has had contact with them. It's people like You Know that keep the human species confined to a ratio of lower level intelligence in the universe. If he can't see it, taste it, or read it in a book with numbered sentences his little mind cannot accept it.

    It is so much easier to try and point out others perceived insecurities based on your own warped perspective on life than to recognize and accept your own. You Know is a great example of someone that is so lost he cannot exist without the codependency of an organization that spells it out in numbered thoughts so as to give absolute guidance to his ignorance. It is not the content of the accepted philosophy that he ascribes to but rather the structure in which it is delivered. Neatly packaged in a paint by number easy to follow tutorial for the mindless. The JW philosophy of life is put together much like the basic step by step formula popular today for those who do not have the ability to go any further in looking for answers than what someone can easily con them into in the simplest terms. It's like "Religion for Dummies." No matter how familiar he becomes with the predigested material or how easily he is able to spew it's distorted message, his brain and thinking ability can go no further than the confines of its boxed borders. Anything that might go outside of those preset bordered is conceived as evil and unacceptable. Evil is such a silly word, it keeps people like You Know in line. It keeps the ignorant from ripping off their close and running through their neighborhood naked. It is the dog leash that pulls them back when they feel they need to urinate at will. What he cannot accept is the ability of each and every individual with a higher level of intelligence to be able to judge for themselves when and where to properly urinate.

    It is people like You Know that need such a structure and guidance. Jesus said this, Paul said that. Judgment Day, redemption and retribution. All this to keep people in line that do not have the ability within themselves to decide or understand decent human behavior. If you need the threat of death and everlasting damnation to keep you in line than you deserve what you believe. It is the resolve of fundamental christian belief that the world is evil and ugly that makes the world evil and ugly. If you think god is one to be feared then you fear your own inability to think and make decisions for yourself. In his own philosophy You Know states that god is love and in the same breath he states that you must fear god. That is you must fear "love." How childish a philosophy, how immature a life structure. God is only feared when he is not understood. Just as love is feared when it is not understood. Understand the absolute meaning of love and you will understand the absolute meaning of god. Without absolute intelligence no one can say this or that is absolute.

    The biggest joke in regard to You Know is his constant posing on this board. The more he posts in direct disobedience to his religious leaders that he believes are in direct contact with his god the more ignorant he appears. The most outstanding proclamation of his ignorance is his defiance of his belief by posing here and stating that we who he continually preaches to are guilty of doing the exact thing he does by his posting.

    What an ignorant hypocrite! Robert is as Robert does.


  • DannyBear


    Hey man I thought you and Booby were buddies?? Even so you nailed him but left out the fact that what you applied to him, applies to anyone who continues to define morality by using any 'written scripture'.

    ***What he(fundies of all sort) cannot accept is the ability of each and every individual with a higher level of intelligence to be able to judge for themselves when and where to properly urinate*** (parenthetical thought inserted by yours truly)

    Damn that was good!

    Dave I miss you when your not around. You have a knack for speaking complete thoughts, which reveal what your saying, without leaving the reader, wondering what you were trying to say. I get a little tired of all the one liner's spouted off around here. It is refreshing to read more than two sentences, that have something to say.

    Ok enough about that. Hope you are doing well, interested in knowing what your up to.


  • seven006

    Dan my man!

    Thanks for the accolades, I was just in one of those moods and had to speak up and say something about the boards resident village idiot. That and it's a boring Sunday night. I don't post much any more, I try and not say anything unless I have something positive to say. I look at reaming Bobbies butt a positive thing to do and its fun for the whole family. I understand what you are saying but since I have a few christian friends I am careful not to step on too many toes. My friendships are more important than my personal opinions, but I do agree with you. Any time I see people trying to prove that their opinions are valid and an absolute in life by attaching a numbered sentence to the point they are trying to make it causes the hair on the back of my neck to stand up. Guys like You Know have never had an original thought in their lives so they need to validate their existence by quoting scripture perfectly. It reminds me of a little kid in a spelling bee that gets this huge shit eating grin on their face after they realize they spelt the word "obtuse" correctly. To each their own I guess.

    Things are the same with me, Oregon is still on hold and colleagues are dropping like flies. We are usually one of the first states to feel the effects of an economic downturn and we are one of the first to recover from it. When things start to turn around here you know the rest of the country will soon follow.
    I appreciate your help but if you got my last email there was a bit of a geographical issue that prohibited me from taking action. I have my kids here and
    I can't move away from them. If all else fails I will grab my middle son and move out of state, I just want to exhaust all my other options first.

    Life goes on.

    Take care,


  • Rev B
    Rev B

    If we follow up on the Harmageddon/Armageddon/Terible day of God/Day Of Wrath/Dies Irae issue for biblebelievers, not for those that don't believe in the bible or only believe in some of it, this day's about God sovereignity on earth, not about the fate of individual men. Those that happen to be alive in this day will have two different stories to tell the rest in the resurrection; those that believe and are kept alive will be the ones that will see the kingdom first and be there to instruct people on earth, those unbelievers that die will be raised to tell the other resurrected of God's terible might and that he's very real. Zechiriah 13-14 (13:8 1/3 of people spared), Rev 7 (the big crowd), Rev 19 (the battle) and the small book James (telling about what leads up to it) all give a lot of info on this.

    God Bless

  • dubla

    you know-

    i thought the post by comment posed some interesting differences to your initial portrayal of armageddon. i noticed you decided to dodge/ignore it as is usually your custom when presented with material that you cannot refute. if youd like to redeem yourself, feel free.

    do your ideas stand above those of the wtbts? should we take your account of this future armageddon as truth, or theirs?


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