How to get WT Comments videos back up (with Knocking section)

by Burger Time 44 Replies latest jw friends

  • Leolaia

    Hey, check this out....Youtube has a new tool that allows you to edit your own videos online:

    If you can save the video at the same URL, that would be a nice solution. But I can't tell yet if it allows you to do this, or whether it necessarily would save it to a new URL.

  • sf

    You would probably need the permission of the people in the photograph and the property owner.

    Many kh's are on public streets. All I need to do is stand on a curb. They don't own all of the dirt a kh sits on or near.

    Many people do not get permoission of the ones they are capturing on their cellphones. That concept is simply silly. No offense DT.

    Like I said, they just can't stop The momentum of this Snowball.

    Looks like the internet is doing what so many of you who keep sitting there, knowing it's all a fraud, just won't do...

    INFORM and ARM people of serious issues within their 'religion'.


  • Dogpatch

    of course the Knocking people have to protect their interests legally and for shareholders, this is standard!

    Can still apply fair use, so don't panic.

    I am sure Engardio got Watchtower footage permission, are you kidding?

    what is the URL for the beginning of this matter? I missed it


  • DT

    Many people do not get permoission of the ones they are capturing on their cellphones. That concept is simply silly. No offense DT.

    No offense taken. I don't think it would be a big issue, unless you take the pictures from inside a Kingdom Hall and there are people who have a desire to make a big deal about it. Unfortunately, there are a lot of people who are willing to make a big deal about it in the case of Watchtower Comments. Also, there are accusations that "Knocking" used footage of people without their permission. I would hate for the critics of "Knocking" to even appear to make the same mistake.

  • DT
    what is the URL for the beginning of this matter? I missed it

    Here is the first post by V.

    Here are some other threads with background information.

  • V

    Hang tight folks. I will have an update shortly. At this time please wait on uploading any of the videos with the Knocking footage.

    Anyone with good Kingdom Hall video should PM me ASAP.

  • sf

    How 'bout I snap their photo on my phone as they approach my door?

    Could you use THAT V?


  • sf

    YouTube and picture phones are only doing, and will continue to do, what jws themselves fear most...

    Truly expose them, in the light of day, as to who and what they ARE and always WILL BE.

    A fraud.

    They can't sue everyone!


  • Burger Time
    Burger Time

    Obviously V has this under control but for simple debate, I am not sure this would fall under fair use simply because of how it is edited in. It's not edited making fun of the movie or for some educational purpose. It's just there because it adds to the theme of the youtube video. For this reason it might be hard to make the fair use argument.

    As far as video on cell phones go, you would have to copyright the material and ask anyone in the video for permission to use. If you are in a video and it is publicly posted you can take legal action to have it removed if you never gave permission and you can prove it was filmed unknown to you (not sure but I seem to remember a news item about youtube video a girl did not want posted)....unless your in a government owned public place. Even then if they are making money off of it they must ask your permission. If you are however not making money on it and doing something like a public service announcement (think baldwin brother putting up billboards with people walking in to a XXX store) you do not have to have permission to use footage.

    I am pretty sure this is how it works anyways. Most common people have neither the time or money to fight the image...besides the fame is good sometimes. AS far as just walking in to a Kingdom Hall and filming someone raise or lower there hand it might not be a good idea. A better thought might be to bring a friend and just film them doing this then leave.

  • Leolaia
    I am not sure this would fall under fair use simply because of how it is edited in. It's not edited making fun of the movie or for some educational purpose. It's just there because it adds to the theme of the youtube video. For this reason it might be hard to make the fair use argument.

    I am not so sure about this. As I mentioned above, the clip is used to illustrate the purpose of the video as a "comment" similar -- but at the same time very dissimilar -- to the comments heard at the Kingdom Hall, engaging in a speech event (a discussion of Watchtower study articles) that is parallel to the one depicted in the clip itself. Although this is not a commentary on the Knocking video itself, that is beside the point because fair use allows for transformative uses of such short clips, and the videos definitely transform the meaning and signifiance of the clip as an ironic illustration of what the video is supposed to be doing.

    Compare the Stanford guidelines on fair use:

    1. The Transformative Factor: The Purpose and Character of Your Use

    In a 1994 case, the Supreme Court emphasized this first factor as being a primary indicator of fair use. At issue is whether the material has been used to help create something new, or merely copied verbatim into another work. When taking portions of copyrighted work, ask yourself the following questions:

    • Has the material you have taken from the original work been transformed by adding new expression or meaning?
    • Was value added to the original by creating new information, new aesthetics, new insights and understandings?

      In a parody, for example, the parodist transforms the original by holding it up to ridicule. Purposes such as scholarship, research or education may also qualify as transformative uses because the work is the subject of review or commentary.

    EXAMPLE: Roger borrows several quotes from the speech given by the CEO of a logging company. Roger prints these quotes under photos of old-growth redwoods in his environmental newsletter. By juxtaposing the quotes with the photos of endangered trees, Roger has transformed the remarks from their original purpose and used them to create a new insight. The copying would probably be permitted as a fair use.

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