"Real one" threatens athiests with Jugement Day! Why do Christians do this?

by Witness 007 130 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Witness 007
    Witness 007

    "Real one" is a christian on this site and gets involved in many debates with Athiests. On my thread "Jesus was just a man" he said:"Non-beleivers will see Jesus one day and you will not be happy." On my Trinity thread:".....Oh his {Gods} existence is established. You will find out sooner or later, for your sake I hope it's not too late."

    As a Witness and now, are you tired of Christians waving Judgement Day around like an Axe! One Elder I preached with had the door slammed on him and said:"I will be the one laughing at Armagedon..."

  • nicolaou

    After dubdom I can honestly say that most Christian I've met aren't like that. The few that are clearly need a good slap with with a wet fish!


  • dinah

    Don't worry about Real one.

    It's those condescending Christians who work my last nerve.

  • LtCmd.Lore

    It's like when a mugger claims to have a gun and says: "Give me all your money, or I'll shoot!"

    You can see his 'gun' is in fact a short piece of pvc pipe. So you call him on it.

    His reply: "Give me all your money, or I'll shoot!"... what else can he say? You called his bluff!

    So in both situations, talking to theists or getting mugged, when the conversation digresses to him repeating idle threats... the best thing to do is just walk away laughing.

  • Junction-Guy

    Well if you don't believe it, then why let it bother you? Just learn to tune out those that have different beliefs than yours.

  • MissingLink

    Problem is athiests don't have any good threats to come back with. That's why I love the FSM. For when judgement day does arrive, HE will be the one to smite the christians with his noodly appendage!

  • lovelylil

    realone is a legalistic Christian, on the same par as the Pharisees. They continue to judge others when Christ specifically tells his followers not to. He better watch his back for with the same jugement rod he is using Christ said "you will also be judged". Peace, Lilly

    (edited) lowered R to "r" in name. Thanks.

  • kwintestal

    Ah ha! You used an upper "R" in his name. Even 'real one' thinks he's a lower case "r"

    Kwin (awaiting the judgement, and waiting, and waiting ... any millenium now)

  • Witness 007
    Witness 007

    "Missing Link" this gives me an idea. Atheiest comback. "Oh yeah, well your just gonna die, there is no heaven...and your evolving right now!"

  • Gopher
    Oh yeah, well your just gonna die, there is no heaven...and your evolving right now!

    I think you're missing the "d" in devolving, however.

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