It is official. I am an elder now!

by outofthebox 99 Replies latest jw friends

  • Layla33

    I think at the best we can help him with a "game plan" or an "exit plan" to help as many people on the inside out.

    I think we should call it the "Elder Chronicles".

  • loosie
    Have you ever abused of a child?".

    Yeah like a child abuser would answer truthfully. I'm not implying anything about you out of the box. I just think it is a funny question.

    I think its also hilarious that they appointed an apostate as an elder. lmbo Now you ahve a job to do. Unlock that file cabinet and find out if there are any pedos in the congo. Find out all the dirty deeds fo the elders make photocopies. post needed info here.

    best of luck on your misson.

  • Layla33

    I want names, codes, secret hallways, secret handshakes, agreements done in the dark...

    Ooops got a little carried away, just keep us updated.

  • misanthropic

    Good luck OOTB. One good thing, you should be able to give us the heads up and information about new developments before some of us would ever hear about it.

  • Open mind
    Open mind


    Sometimes you have to enter The Matrix to free people.

    I hope you're as flexible and fast as Keanu Reeves was.

    You're gonna need it.


    p.s. Did you get my PM?

  • R.Crusoe

    The notion of it? It is not within my capacity to empathise with your reasoning!

    I am thoughtless - but not in the usual sense of the word!

  • shadow

    Child abuse question not new. I was asked in about '99. Think it started after WT saying that molesters could not be servants or elders. All congs had to send in a list of any current ones that had a history of abuse and most of them got axed.

  • moreisbetter

    Is This is an accomplishment? This is what you set out to do? To sit in a position of judgement? A position of judgement that has harmed many. Please me help understand.

  • hamsterbait

    Ananias and Saphira got struck dead on the spot for playing false to the Holy Spirit.

    Let me see now.... what exactly doesn't add up here?

    KGB agents were apointed in Russia. You aint in Russia.

    Stasi agents were appointed in E. Germany. you aint there neither.

    Pedos are appointed all over the western woild. You ain't one of them.

    Traitors and apostates are NEVER appointed, except to weed out the "incorrigibly wicked" (this term in the Witchtower includes the 350 000 000 plus toddlers whose parents are wicked cause they don't buy the Witchtower from ignorant janitors at their door)

    Ergo the Holy Spirit has appointed you? WHY?


    Dey is fu' of ****** man!!


  • uninformed
    Sometimes you have to enter The Matrix to free people. As soon as I finish my mission, I will be out. Wish my luck.

    OOTB you wrote the above.

    Looks to me like you have a tinge of a Messianic Complex.

    I won't wish you luck, but I will hope that you pull your head out and do the right thing.


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