Help Me Please !!!!!!!!

by Maddie 31 Replies latest jw friends

  • SPAZnik

    A few ideas for you to take, leave or shake your head at:

    You can tell your son straight up that you would appreciate a healthier relationship from his end. Keep it real simple and honest and non-judgemental.

    You can do the same with your DIL.

    You could also cater to (soothe) the (childish) fears of the woman who has your son by the you know whats. Control is often a sign of fear. Probably she needs to be reassured over and over and over and in as many ways as is reasonably possible until she gets the freaking message that you respect her "position" in your son's life, as mother of your grandchild. Build a relationship with her until she finally feels safe and secure with you. Become an asset to her. Treat her like the daughter you need to get to know until she no longer reacts jealously of any time you spend with your son. (I know it seems ridiculous, but that's just how it is with some insecure people, I'm not sure if your DIL is being insecure or just insensitive or a bit of both.) The more you empower her, honestly and unselfishly, the more likely she will learn to respect and appreciate you.

    You could also back off and wait until they come to you. This may involve grieving the potential loss of the "normal" relationship illusion you are clinging to.

    The next time they want you to be available for them, don't be. Perhaps they will begin respecting your time more when you demonstrate that the "I'm not available" thing is a two-way street and you are not their doormat, nor will you allow them to take advantage of you forever.

    Also, stop paying for things. There's nothing less healthy than a relationship that is, in any way shape or form, bought.

    You could also let them see you cry. This emotional HONESTY might reach their otherwise icy hearts and give them a glimpse of awareness about the real effects of their behaviours and choices.

    Your feelings matter too, grandmama. Stop trying to protect them from the real effects of their decisions. When you do this, you are LYING to them.

    Above all else, do what you would do and say what you would say if you knew that you had only a week left to live and there was no more time for bs beating around the bush.

    I hope your kid(s) come to appreciate you more.


    ps - one more thought ... you could also put your energies into being ready for when your grandchild grows up and has a mind and heart of it's own to decide about a relationship with you. send your unselfish love in little ways and means possible regardless of who tries to stand in the way and trust that they can and very likely will always love you back and better days will eventually come.

  • AudeSapere

    Oh! Can you just make a deal with them? No WT talk at all. They don't talk 'pro' and you don't talk 'con'??

    Maybe a truce is in order. Respect their decision to stay in the org and promise to not try to coerce the granddaughter to the 'darkside'.

    Just call them out on what you hope for and help them see how this is good for everyone. Could be an option????


  • nomoreguilt

    Maddie......The deepest wounds are inflicted on us by the ones we love the most. In considering CoCo's post the other day of Empty Nester Dads, I have been stewing on a matter very similar to yours. You know how we are, like you I have been deeply hurt by my son and his wife over MY grand son. Time works many things out, but in the meanwhile, time is slipping us by, isn't it?

    We aren't getting any younger, and the grand children are getting older. We lose precious moments that could have been shared with us in their early developmental months and years. Believe me dear, I have shed many tears on this same subject. It has cut me to the heart that my own offspring, my flesh and blood could treat me the way they do.

    Yes, your DIL is influencing your son very much. Perhaps he is afraid of losing his wife for his mother. It's very deep shit that goes on in his mind, I KNOW!! Young parents, young wife, JW IDEALISTIC lifestyle. We dn't exist in their lives anymore. Just a passing thought or a phone call to say hi is all I get. Or to tell me so-and-so passed away.

    Read the thread by CoCo the other day, it's in Private Discussion.

    Take care dear.I will post an in depth thread on this tomorrow, i hope. Watch for it.


  • Hortensia

    I agree, don't pay for things. Tell your son he shouldn't measure your affection that way. Be honest about how you feel, and then tell him you aren't going to accept the role of bad guy because of the JWs, that you don't accept their religion as true. You respect his right to believe if he wants to, but he needs to respect your right not to believe and let Jehovah decide it all in the end. Then, painful as it will be, let it all go. I am so sorry you are the victim of these mind games, and your little granddaughter is the loser also.

  • Maddie

    Maybe a truce is in order. Respect their decision to stay in the org and promise to not try to coerce the granddaughter to the 'darkside'.

    Aude - I have already said this to them and it hasn't made any difference. I will never give up because I can never accept it to let go enough

    Stop trying to protect them from the real effects of their decisions.

    Spaz - This is what my husband thinks and it will have to come to this I expect. I have tried to hide my feelings to a large degree because ..... It is very hard to try to get close to my DIL because she is very reticent and I can't get to spend enough time with her to work on her's very frustrating for me. I will try.

    Casper - You understand how it is for me, thank you for sharing with me


  • SPAZnik
    I don't know what to do for the best any more.

    This would be a really humble comment to share with your son. Perhaps it would open some eyes and doors.

  • sspo

    As long he fully believes in the watchtower and how to treat those that don't attend or sound apostate i feel it is a losing battle.

    My ex wife has left me due to "spiritual endangerment" even though i'm not DF and never gave her any problem in serving her Jehovah, she has not talked to her mother in 14 years because she faded from the organization.

    Don't have an answer but your son is under mind control and the loyalty will be always for the watchtower......unless he wakes up one day.

    Take care of yourself for now because reasoning with him will not work.

  • Maddie

    We don't exist in their lives any more

    NMG - I am truly sorry you are going through this too - it is killing me!

    I am so sorry you are the victim of these mind games, and your little granddaughter is the loser also.

    Hortensia - I am sick of the mind games, sick of all of it. All I want is to be able to love my son and grand daughter but it seems they don't want me. I need to be strong but don't feel very strong right now. Thank you for your advice, you are always wise.


  • Maddie

    I won't be posting any more tonight as it's 12.30 am here and I feel very weary. I will come back tomorrow so good night my friends.


  • Deidra

    Maddie, my heart feels your pain too. I went through the wishy washy thing with my parents/family for years. One minute they loved me and I was a great daughter and then another minute they wouldn't even talk to me (usually on Sunday or after a circuit/district convention). They were warm and cold. Their love was conditional. The farther I got away from JW and the more outspoken I became for my newfound christian beliefs, the worse they got. I got tired of "feeling them out." The status of our relationship was up to them at all times. I got damn sick of it. I feel so much better now that I took the driver's seat and said enough is enough. It is no longer up to them rather we engage in conversation, etc. I want nothing to do with them. The roller coaster pain is over with them. Yes, it does hurt that I don't have any family. However, I feel free from their enslavement, judgement, and mental abuse. It hurts, but it's consistent hurt; no more mind games. It may sound harsh, dear, but you need to protect yourself and start healing. They are going to dangle that little girl in front of you forever until you give in to their strong-arming. For you and your husband's sake, don't let them mentally abuse you anymore.

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