It looks like I will become an elder this week!

by outofthebox 181 Replies latest jw friends

  • Robdar

    Outofthebox, there is something wrong with you. Something seriously wrong.

  • flipper

    STILL IN 74- Your point was my point entirely ! What is this guy doing any different from what the Watchtower society has already done, and is currently doing ? It is true he may not last long as it's hard to go undetected, but if he helps just one witness get out, or a few , it will have been worth it. Those here that are having qualms of conscience - I wish they could explain to me why Ted Jaracz didn't have qualms of conscience keeping confidential the pedophile list from the courts in America ! Rottenness starts at the top in any organization usually- and the WTS is no different. If we are going to draw straws with some who would rather see the witness organization proliferate and abuse people ; perhaps those people in their sincerity and honesty should just go down to the meeting this Sunday in their local area and confront the elders in person telling them they are wrong, and to cancel their meetings. Let's see how far they get ! Peace out, Mr. Flipper

  • Wasanelder Once
    Wasanelder Once

    Having been and elder and experiencing the mindset of the body, you will fit in nicely. Its all for one and every man for himself. Its a system built on self exaltation. If you like that sort of thing you'll do just fine. Anyone who really gives a shit about others will be frustrated and eventually leave it, all at their own pace. Have fun. I wouldn't do it again for any money. You will change no one's mind who isn't already on the way out. Remember Ananias and Sapphira? Well, there ya go buddy. HS will yank your ass out. Of course, it allowed you in to weed out weak ones. Either way you're On Your Way Out. You can't win with the programmed masses. Peace, W.Once

  • tsar_robles

    You mentioned that you've already talked 'hard truths' to the elders and family... how can they still appoint you knowing these hard truths? well, either way keep us posted...

  • chrisjoel

    You are a very special person in a unique circumstance. You have been able to fake your hours, celebrate a pagan holiday, associate with "opposers", put yourself at risk by using the Bible only, spoken with Dfd ppl, and used profanity for cursory enjoyment. Why should I view you as taking a position of trust and accepting it as if you were a total liar and two faced as if "2 wrongs don't make a right?.... I dont. Period. You are not as bad as those promulgating the BS of the Society for many reasons. I believe u know these reasons in your heart. Who am I to tell you you are Two faced ? . I should be ashamed of my self for accusing you of such an idiotic presumption. Viewing this "cult" as a joke or as a "club" or whatever ...after so many years in it if I were a pioneer or a MS or had many previliges in the org who is to say i wouldnt continue in that capacity for many years...keeping my own opinions to myself. As have done many many former "apostates"...I personally find it angers me when former JWs accuse someone of hypocrisy for following their own conscience. WHO are you to tell this person he is "no better than the Society"?...or a "hypocrite?"....I personally since age 16 continued to read apostate literature and do many things against the WTs edicts and was a MS ....I was very close to being appointed as an elder but since my marriage was falling apart I decided i had had enough....all until I was 30. I didnt feel like I was a hypocrite In the slightest. I helped who i could help and in the end anothe elder left cuz of my actions. Something "wrong" with you ? Hell NO!

  • flipper

    My wife and I were talking about this tonight after watching the movie " The Truman Show " of all movies. But in that movie Jim Carry was controlled by Kristoff the producer who not only controlled the movie but controlled Jim Carries whole life in the movie.

    The Watchtower society is the same. They control everything the witnesses can or cannot do . There is no freedom. This same Watchtower society condemns those labeled " apostates" for speaking the " real " truth and would stone them to death if they could legally in the modern world , yet at the same time they protect pedophiles among their rank and file members, thus endangering their own witness children. Now any naysayers- tell me who the real hypocrites are. I rest my case

  • R.Crusoe

    Let me tell you my take on this!!

    I am absolutely convinced there were some elders and ex-elders in JW KH I attended who saw VERY clearly that I had swallowed the

    WT cyanide!

    I even am convinced some found it highly amusing amongst themselves and said not a word due to their own families being in the ranks - families who were responsible for more sex crazed WT interbreeding than any I know and are still in as far as I'm aware!

    How could they ever justify keeping up the charade and standing as if in support of such life ruining BS and not telling people who deserve to know and not be misled?

    The reason is they get used to deception!

    They accept it is legitimate practise!

    They see the WT do it and it gives them the all clear to follow!

    Because the WT never conceded and always self appoints and always demands complete obedience and control!

    So they see genuine people come along and NEVER hve a true word for them!

    I see your problem but if I were a person in your congregaion swallowing all your BS, I would not savour your company when years later I find out you knew all along and kept quiet whilst watching me swallow life wrecking poisons!

  • Tired of the Hypocrisy
    Tired of the Hypocrisy

    You are to be commended for your sacrifice, man. I think you going in like this is proof they have none of the Holy Spirit. I also think you going in is much like a medical examiner's icky sort of job. Try to hold your nose as much as you can, do not judge people too harshly, and remember that LOVE is what being human is all about. I do hope the Father and Son can use you for good.

  • reniaa
    He's playing with peoples lives by not being honest.

    the WTS has been playing with peoples lives for over a hundred years.

    So Two wrongs make a right? we become what we hate, to do what? And if he damages people by words and actions in conflict, people, old, young, depressed and ill who however misguided, look to elders for guidance with love and respect..your saying because so many elders are corrupted, deceitful, dishonest etc so adding another one deliberately doesn't matter? Your reasoning is floored people.

    This is quite repugnant to me that so many people would support this level of deceit on this forum (I am fairly new to this forum and this support has honestly shocked me), how much more heinous is a bad act when done deliberately? Elders who are bad and do wrong things can answer to god themselves for their actions but if you guys are trying to put yourself in a higher moral position than WT in this case you have failed miserbly by supporting this deception.


  • shell69


    I think you've expressed yourself, and we aren't under any illusions as to your take on this!


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