What is a friend?

by tsunami_rid3r 16 Replies latest jw friends

  • tsunami_rid3r

    What do friends do? Is this an essential witness related issue? My congregation was very cliquish and many times I would be forced to hang out with certain people or have no one at all. What is a friend?

    I observe my parents, and my mom doesn't hang out with anyone. It doesn't bother her it seems, and my dad, being disfellowshipped, I've heard of him hanging out with another business partner on the weekends, or with a few girls at work, or stay in touch with a few of the cool guys in the congregation.

    Now my parents always went by the rule of trying not to hang out with their friends too much like everyday.

    And when I think I had friends, back when I was little, I would always go and play at this dude's house. My group would always hang out at my house. We would do stuff like drink for the first time, play video games, play sports, or go to the movies.

    When I started making worldly friends, I would go to concerts with them, go to parties, or just hang out at the mall. In college, its mainly partying or going to the movies or clubs, or eating out. Or just smoking some weed.

    Now I don't do that much, except for attending birthday parties at a house or club, or just going out for one night with a buddy of mine at work. But its just that. I don't do much hanging out or eating out with others. All I do is party with all these people. Is there more to it?

  • LouBelle

    I have ""friends"" that I will go out partying with and drinking. I then have the deeper friendships, people I'll invite around for dinners, go away with, share myself with and visa versa. People that I care and love.

  • R.Crusoe

    My description of a friend is someone like me who will stand by them in their needy times and understand and offer them advice relevant to their life and happiness. Someone who seeks to know me and enjoys doing so and me them!

    I have one friend who is very nice but who never discusses anything! In some ways that's a JW flashback! Sorta make good with what you already feel and don't ask too many questions! Leaves me feeling unloved and unconnected!

    But I do not have one even close to the above and never have had in my life so maybe I am deluding myself?

  • IP_SEC

    Hey tsunami,

    I have lots of buddies, few friends.

    buddies can be friends but it takes a certain something more than just doing stuff together.

    An old sicilian saying: Only real friends tell you when you have egg on your face.

  • R.Crusoe

    You are right ipsec and so am I !

  • Hope4Others

    I believe a friend is honest and forthright.

    They are there to support you when your down.

    They don't stab you in the back.

    They don't pass judgement.

    They only interfere if you need an intervention (life threatening or your spiraling out of control)

    I've only had two best friends through out my life. A true friend is hard to find. alt


  • Dorktacular

    A friend will help you move.

    A good friend will help you move the body.

  • Gopher

    I think just "hanging around" a group of people makes them acquaintances to you, not friends.

    Friends are those whom you can be honest with, and are honest with you. You can be your real self, and they will accept the good and bad in you. And you will accept them for who they really are.

    You would help each other at the drop of a hat. You're not jealous or possessive of each other's friendship, and you give each other space when needed.

    You don't agree on everything, but you do agree on the importance of friendship.

  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff

    My wife says that we never really had any 'friends' while in the organization anyway. Looking back I believe she is right - associates in a sales organization would be closer to reality.


  • llbh

    For me friend is someone who i can talk to They are a person whose company i enjoy and they mine

    i am fortunate to have two very close freinds . They are very different but i know that i can talk to about anything.We are there for each other.

    I can talk for ages to them and never tire

    I consider myself very fortunate

    regards David

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