Your opinion about Self Injury

by yumbby 43 Replies latest watchtower medical

  • Tatiana

    As Crumpet said though, alcohol can make cutting more likely so its a horrid cycle to get into.

    Oh, so alcohol and drugs actually contribute to cutting? I always thought my niece stopped when she got away from my mom and started drinking so heavily. I do know that she would pierce her nose with big safety pins. But, I assumed she'd stopped cutting herself. Damn, what do I know? alt

    I know she still has scars on her thighs.

  • Sirona

    Only because it intensifies things, Tatiana.

    Also it depends how much you drink. If you drink daily and a lot, it can contribute to worsening your depression. Also if you are taking anti-depressants, the alcohol stops them working as efficiently.


  • Tatiana

    She was drinking very heavily. Southern Comfort. And using acid. I visited her, but she was so far away from me when she ran away, I couldn't really check on her. Do people usually just stop? Can you stop without help?

  • Mr. Majestic
    Mr. Majestic
    some people are afraid to admit what goes on in their life for fear of judgements from others

    This is so true. There was a case when a sister was informed of self harm and she responded in sheer horror "what must Jehovah feel when you do that to yourself". "Why would you want to do that to Him?"

    Obviously this sister was never told again (as was no one else for years) and then it was ‘bring on the shame and guilt’. Progress and help stifled in one swift, thoughtless comment, and a few more years of suffering totally alone…such isolation…..

    The people I've known that self-injured did so because of the numbness they felt, as result of childhood abuse. Pain was a way of feeling their body, instead of empty nothingness.

    Yes, the numbness and void. Quite a condition to experience. After months of that condition there is that desperation just to feel. Void, just hate it. Again, how can you explain it…??

  • cognac
    There was a case when a sister was informed of self harm and she responded in sheer horror "what must Jehovah feel when you do that to yourself". "Why would you want to do that to Him?"

    Parents have this great way of saying the right thing, huh??? I used to be really depressed when I was younger, cut just a little, not to much...

    I told my mom I didn’t want to live anymore. I wanted to commit suicide. Her response? She got mad and said, “Well, then you don’t love Jehovah then because if you did, you wouldn’t want to kill yourself…”

    I guess she asked around the cong. About me seeing a therapist or something but they just told her that may make things worse… Oh, well… I guess she didn’t know what to do and just reacted… She’s a great woman; I just wish that one of my parents did something instead of ignoring it and hoping that it would go away… I guess they didn’t need to, I always portrayed myself well at the kh.

  • lesterd

    Why do you do it?

  • GoingGoingGone

    Self-injury encompasses more than cutting, too. Some people will burn themselves (with cigarette butts, etc.) Some pick at their skin until it bleeds. All these behaviors are the result of intense emotional pain, and anyone who engages in these behaviors needs help. Since there is such a stigma attached to self-injury, though, many of those who self-injure do so in secret.

    When I was a child, I was close to someone who self-injured by picking at herself. She would pick the smallest imperfection on her skin until it was a huge, open sore, which would begin to heal, only to be picked open again and again and again. I wish I had known at the time that this was a form of self-injury. But I was only a child myself.


  • cognac
    Why do you do it?

    Guess, your talking to me?

    When I said:

    Ok, this is how it's been described to me:

    I was speaking about the way I described it. Sometimes, it's really hard for me to admit to things, so I don't. I describe it in third party. It get's me 1 step closer to talking about it. But, when I saw that Crumpet was talking about herself, she gave me a bit of courage to just get out and just say it. Anyways, if you want my answer, well, I'll just copy and paste it...

    Your mind is racing, like somebody pressed the fast-forward button on you. Then your heard is pounding and everything in your body feels like the blood is racing from one part of the body to the other. You curl up in a ball trying to make it stop and go away. You want to kill yourself because you can't breath and your in such a depressed state of mind that you feel like this huge weight is on you and you can't get it off. It's holding you down to the ground and you feel like you can't move.

    Cutting makes that go away instantaneously.

  • Mr. Majestic
    Mr. Majestic

    Sometimes, it's really hard for me to admit to things, so I don't. I describe it in third party.

    Me too cognac. Getting a huge feeling of shame and vulnerability just talking about it over a computer forum. Third party speech makes it that bit easier..

    Feel as if it will be used against me as some kind of weakness…

    Sorry your mum reacted as she did. That really can’t have helped at all…

    Understand about hiding it as well. People would never have guessed with me either….Parents don’t know to this day…

  • Gregor

    Guilt (whether justifiable or not) then punishment (self injury) followed by temporary relief of guilt.

    A child does something wrong, meets with disapproval and is punished. The punishment nuetralizes the guilt. The child is back into good graces. In some people the process becomes subconcious and the relief brings a feeling of a fresh start, clean slate for a time. One must find ways to forgive themselves without self harm.

    "The Alcohol and Addiction Cure" Chris Prentiss. Power Press

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