Should I register to vote?

by tinker 12 Replies latest jw experiences

  • tinker

    I have been asking myself this for several months now. I have no idea even how to do it. But since leaving the WTBS I have a new interest in the political process. For the first time in my life I feel a surge of national pride. I love being an American Women. We are the luckiest people on the planet. Yes, there are a whole lot of problems but overall the freedoms and rights we are guaranteed are awesome.

    So about voting, here is my problem. I know little to nothing about the candidates. I read a little and listen to some talk radio but it all sounds so redundant and repetitive. I do belive voting is a right but how important is it to participate in the election. I can't seem to decide who I would vote for. I like some parts of all of them and equally disagree with some things. I am part tree hugger. part conservative, I can go left as well as right.

    I am against the war but then we have not be attacked again since 9/11 so is that because of our strong show there.

    The economy, I don't like paying $3+ for gas and the jump in grocery prices pisses me off. But then I also think we are very wasteful and greedy. I own a home, dirve a nice car, gourmet food in my fridge, and designer cloths in my who's complaining.

    Bottom line.....should I vote? Is it my responsibility as a citizen? Or should I want until I understand the issues, maybe the next election?

  • chickpea

    you have lots of time to study the issues.... the general election is not til november..... all this other voting has been primaries is a place you can start to find out about registering to vote or go to your home state's .gov website and search for voter registration

    my pre-b0rg life found me voting in every possible election.... school board, county commisioners, you name it and i voted on it..... it is a process i expect to fully participate in again, now that i no longer have a cult mentality

    should you register to vote? ..... entirely up to you, but it is one way to participate in citizenship

  • potentialJWconvertswife

    If you want to, go for it. Here in Texas it is very easy to register, usually do it when you renew a driver's license. Like Chick said, you have plenty of time to research the candidates. By November it'll just be two of 'em, and if you know your own mind you'll likely be able to choose without too much difficulty. I have voted in every presidential election since I was 18, and can't imagine being told by the church not to do so. I feel strongly about this election, because I beleive it is one of the most important ones we've had in many years now. Take your time, do the research and vote for the candidate of your choice!

  • LayingLow

    Since you've never voted before you may have to register to vote in the primary in order to be able to vote in the election in November (I know it is at least the case in the state I live in.)

  • llbh

    here in the uk we have postal voting, which i always use.

    btw gas here $10 a gallon !

    And we hardly complain!!

    Regards David

  • Gopher


    YES, by all means let your voice be heard.

    In the state of Washington, you need to register at least 30 days ahead of the election. You will need your ID. You do NOT need to have voted in a primary or belong to a political party to vote on election day. Here's more information for your state:

    Here's a voters' guide outlining differences between Democratic and Republican positions on 6 national issues:,28804,1708514_1708493,00.html

    Here's one place where you can see what each presidential candidate's stand is on key issues:

  • VoidEater

    YES, you should register to vote.

    Gee, that was easy...!

    Seriously, even if you choose to not vote, you should register - be prepared.

    You are a citizen, I encourage your to help shape the country you live in!

  • Maddie

    It is your right so go for it!


  • Layla33

    Yes, by all means vote. It's funny I had to visit the DMV today to do a change of address and I made sure I registered to vote and changed my address.

    Now, honestly I think the whole elections is more tha a little corrupt, but I do enjoy exerting my right to support a candidate I choose to be president. It's a freeing feeling.

  • Thegoodgirl

    Yes, go register. I think you can do that at the post office (?) Or if you live in a big city, at you local alderman's office. You have to bring proof of where you live. ID and/or phone bill, something like that.

    The bottom line with republicans and democrats:

    Republicans beleive in the trickle down effect: If you make the top rich people richer, the money will trickle down to everyone because the top guys will have big businesses where they can hire the other guys, and then the other guys will have jobs, etc. It's sort of "work hard and you'll get what you deserve."

    Democrats beleive a little more that we have to watch out for the little guy. So yes, they may raise taxes, but then you get more services for the little guy like Head Start, or universal health care, etc.

    Maybe you already know all this, but I just love introducing JWs to politics.

    I personally am a democrat because I was raised poor, mental illness runs in my family (thus "getting a job with health insurance" is just not realistic for some of us), and I work in healthcare, so see the "little guys" who fall between the cracks. The're not lazy, they often do try to get a job, but it is just not possible for many people out there to live a perfect 9-5 life.

    ANYWAY, you should register to vote, it's just one more step away from the JW mindset that you should follow your authorities, no questions asked.

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