What positive things can you take from being raised JW?

by Mickey mouse 26 Replies latest jw friends

  • Mickey mouse
    Mickey mouse

    Rather than getting too down about wasting the best years of my life in a cult I have been thinking about how being raised a JW may have had a silver lining. Here are mine....

    I have a really great imagination. You have to have one to get through five hours of meetings per week at a young age.

    I'm good at public speaking.

    I've joined this forum.

    Quiet here today isn't it?! Anyone else care to share?

  • Swan

    I got really good at sneaking.


  • Gopher

    A good understanding of what it's like to be in a hated minority. (Empathy)

  • yknot

    I would compare it to Johnny Cash's musical tale of A Boy Named Sue.

    I thank the WTS " For the gravel in my guts and the spit in my eye"

  • freydi

    I learned a great deal that I never would have learned without going to a seminary. In a way the dubs are like a seminary in that it's a very controled and structured environment. That they have deviated so badly and basically mutated into a fanatic sect is bitter-sweet. Bitter in the realization of how wacked out they've become, and sweet to be away from it; but I will continue to use some of their reference material, some of which is very thorough, condenced and historically factual.

  • freedomfighter

    A few things:

    - I can talk Bullsh#t to anyone if needed.

    - I could be a spy, with my experience of sneaking around and covering my tracks.

    - I can smile, when deep down i am really hurting.

    - After being shunned, i now know how to shun back. I have a new appreciation for people "in the world".

    - I learned that sometimes no matter what you do, it's just not good enough.

    Getting Negative? yeh sorry. That's about it......But i am positive that what i wrote above is correct.

    oh one more - I learned that they don't have the Truth, and that is a relief to me.


  • Layla33

    I learned how to sit in a three hour meeting and tune it completely out and think about a zillion other things without going crazy.

  • sparrow

    I got to travel around the world with free accomodation...

    and learnt how to sleep in a toilet cubicle from boring talks.

  • averyniceguy

    not smoking! My parents quit smoking, both of them each did smoke 2 packs a day before they got baptized as JW in 1966. Well, I am grateful that I have never tried smoking, but I wish that I was not raised as JW. Oh well!

  • Tired of the Hypocrisy
    Tired of the Hypocrisy

    Sincerity. Or rather the lack of it but faking it so well people believe that you are so sincere.

    What a bunch of Effing Hypocritical Turds!

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