Are you a morning person or a night owl and why?

by DJPoetech 15 Replies latest social humour

  • stillajwexelder

    Night - in the morning I am grumpy

  • DJPoetech

    The night owls got the morning folks beat. lol

    Just so happens i'm up late right now but even if I go to sleep now, my body won't let me lay in past 8am.

  • RisingEagle

    Why do people that stay up late at night get referred to as animals, yet people who like the daytime get referred to as 'persons'?

    Morning person, night owl.

  • Hope4Others

    Having problems uploading a picture here? Can anyone tell me what I'm doing wrong?

  • Layla33

    Oh I am most definitely a night owl and a night person. I battle with getting up every single day. I tend to be a little grumpy in the morning and I have not peaked until sometime after 12 pm.

    By the time darkness comes, I am completely comfortable.

    "I love the night life, I like to boggie..."

  • Maddie

    I am a night person, find it hard to get to bed early, and hard to get up early. I've always been like that except when required to do otherwise.


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