What gives us the right to question other's religion?

by dawg 21 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • dawg

    You spelt his name wrong XENA... oh my god that's funny LOL! Did you do that on purpose?

  • FormerMormon

    Political prostitution is the oldest religion on the earth.

    Both politicians and religious shamans seek to manipulate people to do what they want. They "sell" the problem and themselves as the solution. Political parties are simply aggregations of these prostitutes selling themselves and their political wares. ANYTIME groups gather to espouse ANY centralized form of coercion, it is time to question every facet of their organization. This is why I am a minarchist libertarian (go Ron Paul).

    That being said, I agree with Gopher, Romney is deluded, but so is Bush, Kennedy or anyone else who subscribes to centralized authorized religion.

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