Why won't South Park parody the Witnesses

by joelbear69 35 Replies latest jw friends

  • AlmostAtheist

    What would they make fun of? JW's are known for going door to door and that's about it. So you see the odd reference to that in all the satirical cartoons (Simpsons has had a few, Family Guy had a woman handing out pancakes door to door ["Jemimah's Witnesses"]) but it isn't enough to make a whole episode about, I don't think.

    Scientology has its high-profile members, its wacky current beliefs ("Thalens" and what not), and its obvious scam-for-money-ness. JW's lack all of that good material. (It's a shame they don't still believe in the Pyramid stuff and hold the deed to Beth Sarim!)


  • jaguarbass

    I've never seen the show. But my guess is there are not enough witnesses in the world to be relevant to the mass media, boob tube.

  • LoverOfTruth

    I don't think Trey and Matt are concerned about a lawsuit. They've offended just about everybody already. (Except the open-minded of course)

  • sammielee24
    South Park is 18 minutes long, do you think they could lambast EVERYTHING that is wrong with the witnesses in that amount of time

    No..but wouldn't it be great to see them do some head scratching contrariness about the pyramid of Charles Russell and they could coin in a few of the millions now living will never die funnies..along with throwing out Franz and Dunlop...there's a ton of material in there that can be done so hillariously. Now - if only they would do that and we could all get the dubbies to watch the show ......sammieswife.

  • Must obey!
    Must obey!

    Cause they already did the Mormons and in most people's eyes there ain't much difference...they're both brainwashed, obnoxious pests who come a knocking on your door.

  • dinah

    Trey and Matt ROCK! I love 'em.

  • worldtraveller

    In order for a television show to lampoon an org, the show has to assume some significancev of said org. The Watchtower is as significant as a boil on the bum. .1% is nothing

    Now Family Guy is another issue. I have seen them lampoon the org is a subtle manner.

  • DanTheMan

    A SP parody of JW's would be funny for us, and us only. Nobody else cares. When they make fun of Mormons, it's funny because there's a freaking ton of them especially in western States, and the story about the magic golden plates found in a hillside in PA is so silly and ripe for ridicule. And Scientology, with all its celebrity adherents and sci-fi beliefs is another faithâ„¢ that is eminently ridiculable in a way that is funny for everybody (well, except Tom Cruise). JWism is just a boring, obscure Adventist offshoot.

  • R6Laser

    Maybe because JW's are not a big enough deal to anyone outside of this forum? But there have been references about them on some episodes.

  • lonelysheep

    No one cares about the witnesses. They mean nothing to people who have had nothing to do with them.

    I used to be one of those people.

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