PROJECT JERICHO--What are the advantages of a mass exodus?

by uninformed 35 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • bigdreaux

    How about a manssiere then?

    it's THE BRO!!!!!!!! lol

  • Tuesday

    I think the Memorial Attendance figure would be the easiest thing to hit, though I don't think partaking will really do anything because when in doubt the elders would not count the partaker. If anything the biggest hit would be to have all the fading/doubting actives no-show the memorial. I think the PR would be is if you had any doubt at all, no-show the memorial to make a statement. Think if suddenly the memorial attendance dropped by 10,000 people in one country what would that mark? I may be trusting in the orginization not to balloon the figure to make up for the actual loss though.

  • civicsi00

    It's an awesome idea. If at least 50 people from each congregation in the US are able to stand up and walk out, it would definitely get noticed. But I don't even think half of that number would be willing to risk walking away from their families and be ready to face the eventual shunning. Plus the WT would come out with talks about how there's lots of "sifting" going on with the Organization.

  • BurnTheShips

    The other problem is that you will never get a large enough amount of X-JWs to agree on anything.


  • 5go

    The other problem is that you will never get a large enough amount of X-JWs to agree on anything.


    Ain't that the truth.

  • Chalam

    "Yeah-great idea. I hope they all stand up at the KH, turn around and moon the congregation at the appointed time!"


  • Shawn10538

    This might be a good thread to actually decide on an action. I like the memorial thing, but I like tying up the phone lines even better. Personally I call Bethel every week. Sometimes I just say something like: I'm calling about the 13 million dollar law suit against the society for charges of child molestation; I'm calling about why the society has been a member of the UN; I'm calling about the child that lost her life because of no blood transfusions or Why did the society once teach that blacks will become white in the new system? The benefits of such an action are that the operator is kept up to date on all the current major arguments against the society. So if they ever say to themselves, "Hey, I wonder if it's true that the society has been a member of the UN." Then they just might, in a weak moment try to disprove the claim only to find that all research points to them indeed being a member of the UN. I am working on getting a list of all Bethelites so I can call individual members and ask them about the truth of all these claims. If they ask me how I got their names I just say that an old buddy of mine was a Bethelite and gave me some names to call for answers to my questions. I usually pick common names like John Smith etc.

    As for organizing group actions, we must have a trustworthy and charismatic person to take the lead in something. The reason I say this is because I, personally have not been able to so much as sustain a meet-up group in one of the largest (and by extension with the MOST ex-JWs) cities in the world. The apathy of ex-JWs is really astounding to me. I wonder of it is a natural result experienced by all ex-cult members. They seem to shy away from ANY sort of meeting - even ex-JW meetings. Plus, I think that the amount of people on this site that are serious about taking action are a very small minority. I just haven't seen any evidence of large groups getting organized to accomplish anything. It's ok to whjine, I can imagine many of us saying, but to actually do something is far from most ex-JWs minds, sadly.

    That being said ley me go on record as being willing to support ANY action that this group decides to do, even if it is started by Danny Hazard!

  • 5go
    The apathy of ex-JWs is really astounding to me.

    No, they just put it all behind them and move on. Which is the best thing to do on a personal level.

  • cultswatter

    The only way the WTS will fall is from within. The writing/art dept are in a key position. Already we have fake vagines and lame horses what next???

  • The Oracle
    The Oracle must fall from within....

    Education is the key. Promoting education and removing the fear to explore the internet to freely examine opposing views.

    The clever defense mechanism called the apostacy scare is quite effective at keeping even the intelligent and open minded JWs from straying too far from the WT feeding trough. We need to promote open examination and scrutiny....we need to promote the fact that if it is the truth it should hold up to any amount of scrutiny and come out unscathed.

    I have put out the call in the past and have only received limited support - BUT it WOULD be truly awesome to coordinate something with as many elders, circuit and district overseers, bethelites and regular pioneers as possible.

    Another great idea which has brought me personally some great success is email campaigns to plant seeds of doubt.

    If we free one mind it is worth less mind enslaved to the WT and its mind numbing and potentially death dealing influence.

    Peace to all,

    The Oralce

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