Destroy any JW's faith that they are the only true religion in 5 easy steps

by Must obey! 29 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Must obey!
    Must obey!

    Try this on the next JW you meet:

    1. Ask the JW what religious group Jesus selected in 1919 to be his faithful and discreet slave organisation? The JW will answer: "Pastor Russell & the Bible Students"GOOD!!

    2. Now, ask the JW whether Charles Taze Russell and the early Bible Students were anointed Christians, of the heavenly class. The JW will answer: "Why, yes, of course they were."GOOD!!

    3. Now, ask the JW whether they are aware that there are still thousands of Bible Students today who believe and preach the same things that C T Russell and the early Bible Students believed and taught. The JW will pause for a bit and then say:"Really? Wow, ok..wasn't aware of that."GOOD!!

    4 Now, ask the JW why, if CT Russell and the early Bible Students were definitely anointed, which the Watchtower asserts, and their beliefs were good enough for Jesus to uniquely select them back in 1919, which is also asserted by the Watchtower, then why would they not be good enough for Jesus today? The JW will pause even longer this time, his mind turning over, struggling to get around the logical paradox he sees looming.GOOD!!

    5. Finally, ram home the point by saying "this logically means Jehovah's Witnesses cannot be the one true religion because the Bible Students still in existence today must also be acceptable to Jesus since they were acceptable to him in 1919. Both groups have faults but both JW's and the Bible Students today must be OK in God's eyes."The JW will mumble something vague like "Yeah I see your point...possibly...but,..well, I'll have to give that more thought and get back to you.."BINGO!!

    This has worked a treat for me with some of my JW friends and relatives. It's a very humbling point that they find practically impossible to get out of. Some of them try to continue to assert that the Bible Students are no longer true Christians by pulling out beliefs unique to the JW's that distinguish them from the early Bible Students, but they are left flailing since all you need to do is fall back on the same logic: If Jesus still accepted the Bible Students as the true religion as they were in 1919, why would he not accept them today? Emphasize this point: "After all, the Bible Students back then and today believe in all the same main doctrines the JW's do, and it seems that is all that really matters in Jesus' eyes". You can also use the same logic for comparing the JW's beliefs of the 1920's (still called BS's then), 30's 40's, 50's etc with JW's beliefs today....there are some differences in beliefs and interpretations yet Jesus still accepted them all; the JW simply cannot deny this! So explain that all you are doing is going back a bit further to the bible students...and then applying the same logic to conclude that the Bible Students groups today are also acceptable to God and Jehovah. They really struggle with this inescapable logic.

    Try it for yourself. It's a beautifully simple and devastatingly logical way to seriously undermine a JW's belief that only his organisation alone is the one true religion. You will have planted a real seed of doubt.

  • Abandoned

    Good job. I hope you continue to have success as you help people escape this destructive cult.

  • inkling
    Now, ask the JW why, if CT Russell and the early Bible Students were definitely anointed, which the Watchtower asserts, and their beliefs were good enough for Jesus to uniquely select them back in 1919, why would they not be good enough for Jesus today?

    Well, you could always claim Jesus saw them as a good "fixer-upper" religion, and the group who became the current "Bible Students" were too stubborn to be "fixed".


  • yesidid

    Good thinking Must Obey.

    Though it is possible that a knowledgable Witness would not reply:

    Pastor Russell & the Bible Students

    Only because Russell was dead then, he died in 1916.

  • jwfacts

    Very good logic, I will try it out.

    Destroy any JW's faith

    However, most JW's faith will not be destroyed, as faith is not based on truth, or logic, or intellectual reasoning. People like to take the easy route and believe what they want to believe. To be confronted that the JWs faith may be wrong will usually lead to cognitive dissonance and the mind will bury it like all the other evidence that proves the Watchtower faith to be unfounded.

  • Must obey!
    Must obey!

    The majority of JW's know about CT Russell etc. The Watchtower still boasts about him as the founder of what turned out to be JWs, but what most JW's fail to appreciate is that Judge Rutherford's despicable classification of the dissenting Bible Students as the "evil slave" class was in many ways a rejection of Russell & what he stood for!

    Agreed JWfacts. The word "Destroy" in the heading is a bit of puffery really, to get the readers attention. To "undermine" or "weaken" their faith in the organisation with my piece of simple logic is a more realistic expectation. When it comes to criticism of their precious organisation most JW's are immune to logic.

  • freeme

    i dont believe there is a perfect way to show a JW the stupidity of the believe system.

    yours is nice, but it needs a JW who actually KNOWS what happened more than 5 years ago. i made the experience that at least 80% of all JWs dont know shit about their religions history. they're repeating some crap in the book study to answer questions, but they dont LEARN it. the 1918/1919 date is unknown for many many JWs and most would say it were the witnesses who were selected then, not bible students.


    the discrepancy between the back then bible students and todays witnesses is that the witnesses STAYED with gods faithful and discreet slave while the ppl who call themselves bible students today are a sect who didnt want the changes god did to his organization. the modern bible students are the descendants of *apostates* from that time. if new light comes from the governing body today and someone chooses not to accept it hes apostate. and if he chooses to create a new religion by staying with the old light hes even worse! the "new light" doctrine can twist things this way and every JW will accept it. not a big deal in my opinion.

  • alanv

    Firstly as has already been stated Charles Russell was not around in 1919, ao immediately you would be told to get your facts right.Secondly they will say that God helps his true servants understand his will gradually so although a lot of things were wrong in 1919 the true servants were humble enough to accept change as it was revealed to them. Therefore it is only Jehovah's witnesses that have the truth as only they have the truth based on the bible and not on traditions of men. There are many ways to show the witnesses are being misled but these 5 steps are not the way to go.

  • Must obey!
    Must obey!

    Ah come on Alan I'm talking about the bible students from 1879 right through to 1919, which group Russell started & lead right until 1916. U honestly think a JW would quibble that I'm totally wrong cause Russell died in 1916, not 1919. How many JW's even know the year he died!

    If it's completely "not the way to go" then please tell me what is? And tell me why has this seriously worked for me in the past and caused a number of JW's to back off from trying to get me to return to the org.

    Yes, they will try and throw the "new light" thing at you, but they will go away pondering about it as long as you emphasize that all that must have mattered to Jesus is that they had the main doctrines correct, as still taught by JW's, because otherwise Jesus would not have selected the Bible Students in the first place. Remind them that they still celebrated Christmas, birthdays, used the cross, etc, but it didn't matter that much cause they had the main things right! So same with the Bible Students today. When they hear you say that they nod their head in understanding.

    It's just a suggestion that's worked for me. I didn't say it was a silver bullet.

    Can't believe how stingy with their comments some posters are.

  • MissingLink

    Maybe not a silver bullet, but I doubt there is one. I think it takes gradual steps to get out. And this one point can be brought up, discusses for a few minutes, and then drop it. Planting doubts is the key.

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