I thought dubs were not supposed to be on the interwebs...

by Priest73 80 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • eclipse

    The following field service report has been submitted...

    Publisher Name:the sister sitting right behide you
    Booklets Brochures:66
    Return Visits:6
    Bible Studies:6
    Auxiliary Pioneer?Yes
    Comments:Hey, where is the column to put in how many pedophiles I have seen been protected the Society? My uncle for one. My grandfather for another,and thousands many more men who are still practicing witnesses who can continue to hurt other children...because there was not 2 witnesses to the abuse. thanks alot watctower! And I was raised in this cult. I thought it was the truth. Think malawi and how our brothers suffered, due to the unloving and heartless provision by the society. but wait, they let the bro's in mexico bribe officials for cards, but the bro's in malawi had to be killed, raped and mutilated infront of their children for not buying a 25 cent card to one political govt, shame on the heartlessness of the society. freeminds.org
  • Frequent_Fader_Miles
    Publisher Name:Constance J. Fuller
    Booklets Brochures:555
    Return Visits:0
    Bible Studies:0
    Auxiliary Pioneer?No
    Comments:But brother, I thought the Society advised us against using the internet. Oops! Sorry, we aren't supposed to say "Society" anymore .. the Governing Body advised ... er, never mind.
  • Frequent_Fader_Miles
    Publisher Name:Li Wei Yu
    Booklets Brochures:81
    Return Visits:3
    Bible Studies:15
    Auxiliary Pioneer?Yes
    Comments:I'm turning this report in a little early since I'm being deported back to China, and will promptly have to disassociate myself when I do so.
  • Frequent_Fader_Miles
    Publisher Name:Livino Corrales Pineda
    Booklets Brochures:1914
    Return Visits:0
    Bible Studies:0
    Auxiliary Pioneer?No
    Comments:I'm unable to tally my bible studies and return visits as one of them threatened to report me to the Immigration Department if I bother her again.
  • erandir
    I just hope he's not logging your IPs, folks

    If he does, I say Bring It!

  • nomoreguilt

    OMG! This guy must have an ego the size of KING KONG!! Can you imagine having the balls to have a sight like this? HMMMM, I think after the wts is through with him , we may be having another NEWBIE! I loved the comments from those here at jwd on his sight. Maybe he's getting a wake up call on the existence of US! EXCELLANT POST!


  • Frequent_Fader_Miles
    Publisher Name:Lova Ekström
    Booklets Brochures:1000
    Return Visits:26
    Bible Studies:145
    Auxiliary Pioneer?Yes
    Comments:Oh brother, I'm sooo thankful for this facility. Nice to know at least somebody has the sense to realize the usefullness of the internet! I cant wait til you set up the 'virtual' Kingdom Hall so that we can attend the meetings with less hassle! Please work on it soon!
  • Frequent_Fader_Miles

    One of his "congregation" just send him an email .... LOL!!

  • mrsjones5

    Looks like he lives somewhere close to Chicago

  • What-A-Coincidence

    Date / EST:12/28/2007 2:00:03 PM
    Comments:I don't think you are supposed to do this on the webs.

    Date / EST:12/28/2007 2:31:59 PM
    Comments:I thought the Christian Congregation discouraged theocratic websites.

    Date / EST:12/28/2007 2:37:51 PM
    Visitor:Aaron E. Mccurry
    Comments:How do I send in all of the donations I collected?

    Date / EST:12/28/2007 2:56:53 PM
    Comments:I thought JW's were not supposed to be on the internet/web. Aren't you breaking the rules? Aren't you afraid of being disfellowshiped?

    Date / EST:12/28/2007 3:48:20 PM
    Comments:At this time we are informing you that this web site should be terminated. A formal letter may follow. Thank you for your cooperation. Your brothers WTBS

    Date / EST:12/28/2007 4:10:34 PM
    Comments:Is that a pic of your college graduation? You must have been in class when the GB informed JWs that they are forbidden to be on the Internet.

    Date / EST:12/28/2007 4:57:34 PM
    Visitor:Bro. Greene
    Comments:Thank you brother for this encouraging site on the intertubes! There are so many apostates and horny girls looking for action tonight I'm glad to come here to be spiritually upbuilt after these evils of Satan pop up on my screen accidently.

    Date / EST:12/28/2007 5:36:06 PM
    Comments:That is a nice picture in your graduation gown. I assume it is your high school graduation since the Society strongly discourages higher education.

    Date / EST:12/28/2007 5:59:03 PM
    Visitor:Brian D. Garcia
    Comments:Do you know how to use "spellcheck"? Why are there 2 m's in "coming" ...Oh yeah, I forgot ... no higher education for you guys.

    Date / EST:12/28/2007 8:15:48 PM
    Visitor:P Samson
    Comments:So here you are, utilizing the world wide web in direct contradiction to the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society and Governing Body rules and regulations. Does this mean you will be the only one not drinking the Kool-aid when the FDS commands it due to 'new light'?

    Date / EST:12/28/2007 8:25:51 PM
    Comments:I thought we told ALL the brothers "No internet Presence"!

    Date / EST:12/28/2007 9:13:00 PM
    Visitor:Joe Hoover
    Comments:You should include a section herein that outlines the number of cases of child sexual abuse, child physical abuse, child spiritual abuse, domestic violence, spousal physical & mental abuse that have been covered up by your body of elders.

    Date / EST:12/28/2007 9:13:00 PM
    Comments:It's not spelled comming, it's spelled CUMMING!

    Date / EST:12/28/2007 10:53:18 PM
    Visitor:Allen B
    Comments:It's brilliant that your faith recruits all sorts of men and women. You should warn those with children that once the kids have independent thoughts, they may not find God for a looooooooooooooooooooooong time. I've been searching for 14 years now. I'm not spiritually happy, but I'm happier than I was growing up.

    Date / EST:12/28/2007 11:30:17 PM
    Visitor:Brother Mason
    Comments:Thank Jehovah he will deal with the child abusers.

    Date / EST:12/28/2007 11:30:37 PM
    Visitor:Brother Mason
    Comments:Sorry... http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/21917798/page/2/

    Date / EST:12/28/2007 11:42:53 PM
    Comments:Thanks Carl. Never mind those people. Here is a story on our District Assembly last summe in Houston. http://ori.msnbc.msn.com/id/21917798/"

    Date / EST:12/29/2007 12:08:27 AM
    Comments:Dear Carl, I hope you find peace.

    Date / EST:12/29/2007 1:19:59 AM
    Visitor:Rick McLean
    Comments:Hey Carl, nice website. Would you or anybody in the Redan Congregation have someplace that I can stay for a few years?

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