Our Fine Feathered Friends in the Backyard!

by AK - Jeff 35 Replies latest social physical

  • restrangled

    AK Jeff....

    When ever I see the Pileated Wood Peckers I am blown away....their call is so distinct, so if you can't see them, you know they are in the area when you hear them.

    We have hawks, owls, and other large birds of prey....sometimes landing on the roof of our house. Their wings actually create huge shadows which make our dogs go crazy.

    Some of the owls hang out at night and you can hear them call, but not fly, .....as they pass over you can feel the rush of wind beneath their wings....happened twice in 18 years.

    Once in a great while we get whooping cranes drop in and walk around our pool....a huge treat.

    Thanks for this thread.....


  • juni

    I'm a bird lover. Feed the little guys through the winter.. seeds and suet. Have all of your pictured birds AKJeff except for the pileated woodpecker. I do have flickers though.

    Yes oompa. The indigo buntings are gorgeous. Beautiful birds Emo!

    I love raptors too. Worked for 5 years at a wildlife rehabbing center for native species of Wisconsin. Very interesting, rewarding and hard work. It was so interesting being able to watch the wildlife up close.. baby season was the best and some of the busiest times.

  • troubled mind
    troubled mind

    The first few weeks of January around here is called Bald Eagle days . The Eagles flock to the treetops over the Mississippi River and fish the open waters by the dam .

  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff

    Wow - so many bird lovers here. Funny how they feed. Yesterday I had tons of birds as mentioned. Today - nothing!


  • bem

    More and more of these

    Scissor-tailed Flycatcher

    None of the Woodpeckers since we moved into town, used to have lots of them.

    I think there are several families of these red birds around, they are kinda cute to watch if our cat is outside they gripe at her so I am suspecting their nests must be near.She <the cat has no ambition to climb, well no ambition and an extra heavy body to boot she's no fear to the birds. they just don't know that.

    Northern Cardinal, adult male

  • Sad emo
    Sad emo
    I wish we had your robin over here - what a pretty bird.

    Yes, it features a lot on Christmas cards over here! Only the male is like that - the females are plain ole brown.

    I sometimes wonder what it would be like to see some of the brightly coloured birds you have over there too!

    Looking at the larger birds posters mentioned, we have feral pigeons (aka flying rats!) our town council has banned people from feeding them apart from in designated areas.

    Also collared doves, magpies, crows and ravens. Plus the occasional grey heron (they get the fish and frogs out of garden ponds) and kestrels.

    Herring gulls come inland to our area for the winter too! They usually turn up around September and stay till April-May.

    herring gull

    Kestrel - fantastic to watch when they're eyeing a kill, they'll hover for a few moments, then stop very still in mid-air then dive straight down in seconds.


    Throughout most of the summer we had two hummingbirds visiting our red Crocosmias in the back yard. Positively delightful!

    Bluejays, robins, chickadees, sparrows, crows, starlings, pigeons, and woodpeckers are among our other feathered friends frequenting our back yard.


  • Barbie Doll
    Barbie Doll

    california bird

  • Barbie Doll
  • Barbie Doll

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