You can call me Reverend Besty

by besty 10 Replies latest social humour

  • besty

    Since becoming disfellowshipped (WTF?) back in July or whenever it was I've been fretting about not being an ordained minister. This was always important to me - to be an ordained minister is a valuable thing - thats why the JW's are proud to say they have 6.9M or so ordained ministers.

    What to do, what to do???

    Well as it transpires a most helpful organistion called Universal Life Church Monastery exists which is most obliging in letting you gain ordained minister status ONLINE without question!

    So now after a brief registration process, I am now The Reverend Paul Morrison - you may kiss my ring :-)

    I recommend this to all DA/DF'd ones - faders need not apply.

    In answer to the JW question - where else do we go? I now have the - lovely....

  • free2think

    I bow to your knowledge Rverend, can i join your congregation?

  • besty

    Sure thing F2T - once it gets going I'll make us a Governin' Buddy and such.

    meantime you can sign up yourself to be an Ordained Minister

  • free2think
    meantime you can sign up yourself to be an Ordained Minister

    Now that sounds like a great idea, i might just do that.

  • Witness 007
    Witness 007

    I dont kiss rings???!!! Sorry.

  • ButtLight
    meantime you can sign up yourself to be an Ordained Minister

    Does this mean we dont have to wear napkins on our heads anymore when we pray?

  • Mr. Majestic
    Mr. Majestic

    Ring kissing huh???

    Father Paul. That does have a nice ring to it I suppose.

  • Sad emo
    Sad emo

    Think I'm gonna go for the post of Universal Philosopher of Absolute Reality

    Although 'Spiritual Warrior' sounds more exciting

    I'm disappointed that you can't become a Jedi yet

  • Octarine Prince
    Octarine Prince

    ULC does serve a nice purpose:

    Just like the Society supposedly joined the UN for the benefits, the ULC facilitates people gaining ordination to be able to perform marriages, etc.

    Many pagans have this designation to assist in such matters.

  • besty

    not that sort of ring-kissing you dirty people :-)~

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