Another Jw Pedophile who will not go in jail

by chasson 15 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse

  • chasson

    Another cover-up, this victim when she was 17 make a report to the police, but has stop the pursuit by fear to be disfellowshipped.

    Reconnu coupable d'agression sexuelle en 2006
    Simonin purgera sa peine dans la communauté Sylvain Daignault Reconnu coupable en décembre 2006 d'agressions sexuelles sur une personne mineure survenues entre 1985 et 1992, Marcel Simonin, 67 ans, qui était un Ancien au sein des Témoins de Jéhovah de Châteauguay au moment de ces crimes, a été condamné à une peine de neuf mois de prison, peine qu'il purgera dans la communauté. Simonin a reçu sa sentence mercredi dernier au palais de justice de Valleyfield. Au moment des premières agressions, la victime, une jeune fille, n'avait que onze ans.

    C'est à la salle du Royaume des Témoins de Jéhovah de Châteauguay que la mère de la jeune victime avait rencontré l'individu qui occupait alors le rôle d'Ancien, c'est-à-dire qu'il prenait la parole lors des assemblées. Il enseignait les préceptes de vie et supportait spirituellement les membres de la congrégation.

    Après avoir réussi à gagner la confiance de cette femme et celle de sa fille, celui-ci s'est par la suite adonné à des contacts intimes avec l'adolescente, des contacts allant des simples attouchements au rapport sexuel complet.

    Durant ces huit années, les agressions se sont produites à plusieurs endroits, notamment chez l'individu, dans sa voiture, au domicile de la jeune fille et à la salle du Royaume des Témoins de Jéhovah à Châteauguay.

    Dans son jugement, la juge Linda Despots, de la Chambre criminelle et pénale, note que la victime avait déposé une plainte alors qu'elle avait 16 ou 17 ans mais qu'elle a par la suite retiré cette plainte "se sentant sous la pression de la communauté et la menace d'en être expulsée".

    C'est un autre Ancien, dans la région de Québec où la mère et la plaignante étaient déménagées, qui l'a convaincue d'écrire une lettre aux autorités de la congrégation des Témoins de Jéhovah concernant ce qu'elle avait vécu avec l'accusé.

    Suite à la réception de cette lettre, Simonin a téléphoné à sa victime pour s'excuser des gestes posés après en avoir reconnu la véracité. La plaignante lui aurait alors pardonné.

    Mais quand, en 2003, la jeune fille revoit l'accusé lors d'une assemblée des Témoins de Jéhovah au Stade Olympique de Montréal, sa présence ravive ses blessures et lui fait revivre cette culpabilité vécue pendant les années où elle a été victime d'attouchements. S'en suivent alors des années difficiles pour la jeune fille où elle fait trois tentatives de suicide et entreprend un suivi psychologique.

    En 2005, afin de continuer sa démarche thérapeutique et se libérer, la jeune fille décide à nouveau de déposer une plainte contre l'accusé.

    Estimant que la crédibilité de l'accusé - qui a toujours nié s'être adonné aux actes reprochés - était affectée pour plusieurs raisons, le Tribunal a déclaré Marcel Simonin coupable d'agression sexuelle en vertu des articles 246.1(1)a), 271(1)a) et 153(1)a) du Code criminel.

    Avant 1996, une personne reconnue coupable d'une infraction criminelle et condamnée à une peine d'emprisonnement de moins de deux ans devait purger sa peine en détention dans une prison. Aujourd'hui, une personne condamnée à une peine d'emprisonnement de moins de deux ans peut purger cette peine au sein de la collectivité si le tribunal considère qu'une ordonnance d'emprisonnement avec sursis est appropriée.

    Le Soleil a tenté en vain jeudi dernier de rejoindre la Salle du Royaume des Témoins de Jéhovah de Châteauguay pour obtenir des commentaires. Officiellement, les Témoins de Jéhovah s'opposent à la pédophilie.

  • AlphaOmega


    Babel Fish translation :

    Recognized guilty of sexual aggression in 2006 Simonin its sorrow in the community will purge Sylvain Daignault Recognized guilty in December 2006 of sexual aggressions on a minor person occurred between 1985 and 1992, Marcel Simonin, 67 years, which was Old within the Witnesses of Jéhovah de Châteauguay at the time of these crimes, was condemned to a nine months sorrow of prison, pains that it will purge in the community. Simonin received its sentence last Wednesday with the law courts of Valleyfield. At the time of the first aggressions, the victim, a girl, was only eleven years old. It is in the room of the Kingdom of the Witnesses of Jéhovah de Châteauguay that the mother of the young victim had met the individual who occupied the role of Old then, i.e. it took the word at the time of the assemblies. It taught the precepts of life and supported the members of the congregation spiritually. After having succeeded in gaining the confidence of this woman and that of her daughter, this one was devoted thereafter to intimate contacts with the teenager, of the contacts going of the simple contacts to the complete sexual relation. During these eight years, the aggressions occurred at several places, in particular at the individual, in his car, in the residence of the girl and the room of the Kingdom of the Witnesses of Jéhovah with Châteauguay. In its judgement, judge Linda Despots, Court of criminal appeal and penal, note which the victim had deposited a complaint whereas it had 16 or 17 years but which it withdrew thereafter this complaint "feeling under the pressure of the community and the threat to be expelled of it". It is another Old, in the area of Quebec where the mother and the plaintiff were moved, who convinced it to write a letter with the authorities of the congregation of the Witnesses of Jéhovah concerning what it had lived with the defendant. Following the reception of this letter, Simonin telephoned with its victim to excuse gestures posed after having recognized the veracity of it. The plaintiff would then have forgiven him. But when, in 2003, the girl re-examines the defendant at the time of an assembly of the Witnesses of Jéhovah at the Olympic Stage of Montreal, its presence revives its wounds and revives to him this culpability lived during the years when it was victim of contacts. Follow themselves from there then difficult years for the girl where it makes three suicide attempts and undertakes a psychological follow-up. In 2005, in order to continue her therapeutic step and to release themselves, the girl again decides to deposit a complaint against the defendant. Estimating that the credibility of the marked one - which always denied to have been devoted to the reproached acts - was affected for several reasons, the Court declared Marcel Simonin guilty of aggression sexual under the terms of articles 246.1(1)a), 271(1)a) and 153(1)a) of the criminal Code. Before 1996, a person found guilty of an infringement criminal and condemned to a sorrow of imprisonment of less than two years was to purge her sorrow in detention in a prison. Today, a person condemned to a sorrow of imprisonment of less than two years can purge this sorrow within the community if the court considers that an ordinance of imprisonment with deferment is suitable. The Sun tried in vain Thursday last to join the Room of the Kingdom of the Witnesses of Jéhovah de Châteauguay to obtain comments. Officially, the Witnesses of Jéhovah oppose the paedophilia.
  • valkyrie

    A little help with the translation:

    Simonin will serve his sentence in the community

    Sylvain DaignaultFound guilty in December 2006 of acts of sexual abuse of a minor – acts which took place between 1985 and 1992 – Marcel Simonin, 67 years old, formerly an Elder among the Jehovah’s Witnesses of Châteauguay at the time of the crimes, has been sentenced to serve 9 months in prison. He will serve the sentence in the community.

    Simonin received his sentence last Wednesday at the Châteauguay Court House. At the time of the initial incidents of assault, the victim – a young girl – was only 11 years old.

    The mother of the young victim met the individual – who at that time was an Elder, that is to say that he was a speaker during congregation meetings – at the Kingdom Hall of Jehovah’s Witnesses in Châteauguay. He taught the precepts of their way of life and spiritually supported members of the congregation.

    After gaining the confidence of this woman and of her daughter, he proceeded to engage in multiple incidents of intimate contact with the adolescent. The incidents included simple touching and full sexual intercourse.

    During those 8 years, the assaults took place in several locations; notably, in the defendant’s home, in his car, at the home of the young girl and in the Kingdom Hall of Jehovah’s Witnesses in Châteauguay.

    In her verdict, Judge Linda Despots - of the Criminal and Penal Chamber of Court - noted that the victim had lodged a complaint at the age of 16 or 17, but later withdrew that complaint as “she felt pressured by the community and by the threat of being disfellowshipped.”

    It was another Elder, in the Québec region where the mother and the complainant had moved, who persuaded her to write a letter to the authorities of the Congregation of Jehovah’s Witnesses concerning her experiences with the accused.

    Following receipt of that letter, Simonin telephoned his victim to apologize for the events, after having admitted the truth of the accusations. The complainant, allegedly, then forgave him.

    However, when in 2003 the young girl again saw the accused during an Assembly of Jehovah’s Witnesses at the Olympic Stadium in Montréal, his presence re-opened her wounds and caused her to re-live the feeling of guilt that she experienced during the years when she had been victimized by the molestations. The young girl then had some difficult years during which she made 3 attempts at suicide and submitted herself to psychological treatment.

    In 2005, in order to continue her therapeutic progress and to free herself, the young girl decided again to file a complaint against the accused.

    Deciding that the credibility of the accused – who has continued to deny the criminal charges – was, for several reasons, tainted, the Court found Marcel Simonin guilty of sexual assault by reason of Articles 246.1(1)a), 271(1)a) et 153(1)a) of the Criminal Code.

    Before 1996, a person found guilt of a criminal offense and sentenced to a prison term of less than 2 years had to serve his custodial sentence in prison. Today, a person who is sentenced to a prison term of less than 2 years can serve that sentence in the community, if the court deems that a suspended remand to prison is appropriate.

    Le Soleil [i.e., the reporting instance] tried in vain to contact the Kingdom Hall of Jehovah’s Witnesses of Châteauguay last Thursday to obtain comments. Officially, Jehovah’s Witnesses oppose pedophilia.


  • purplesofa

    Thanks for posting,


  • katiekitten
    Officially, Jehovah’s Witnesses oppose pedophilia

    But unofficially they ensure they have a steady stream of victims who are effectively prevented from complaining under the threat of disfellowshipping.

  • llbh

    That is awful and I am not surprised, until the wtbs change their policies on sexual abuse victims of it will continue to suffer for longer than they need to.

    I know at least four victims of sexual abuse (non JW) and of two (JW) and i can tell you it blights and colours their lives.


  • valkyrie

    The article seems to imply that the "authorities" in the organisation forwarded the victim's (confidential?) letter to her abuser, thereby giving him insight on her intimate thoughts and pain. This also gave him the opportunity to approach her directly... something that was probably unnecessarily intimidating and stressful to the victim. If this is the case, I find it appalling!

    It was another Elder, in the Québec region where the mother and the complainant had moved, who persuaded her to write a letter to the authorities of the Congregation of Jehovah’s Witnesses concerning her experiences with the accused.

    Following receipt of that letter, Simonin telephoned his victim to apologize for the events, after having admitted the truth of the accusations. The complainant, allegedly, then forgave him.


  • nelly136

    What if the sufferer decides that he wants to make an accusation?# Then the two elders can advise him that, in line with the principle at Matthew 18:15 , he should personally approach the accused about the matter. If the accuser is not emotionally able to do this face-to-face, it can be done by telephone or perhaps by writing a letter. In this way the one accused is given the opportunity to go on record before Jehovah with his answer to the accusation. He may even be able to present evidence that he could not have committed the abuse. Or perhaps the one accused will confess, and a reconciliation may be achieved. What a blessing that would be! If there is a confession, the two elders can handle matters further in accordance with Scriptural principles.

    If the accusation is denied, the elders should explain to the accuser that nothing more can be done in a judicial way. And the congregation will continue to view the one accused as an innocent person. The Bible says that there must be two or three witnesses before judicial action can be taken. ( 2 Corinthians 13:1 ; 1 Timothy 5:19 ) Even if more than one person "remembers" abuse by the same individual, the nature of these recalls is just too uncertain to base judicial decisions on them without other supporting evidence. This does not mean that such "memories" are viewed as false (or that they are viewed as true). But Bible principles must be followed in establishing a matter judicially.

    What if the one accused—though denying the wrongdoing—is really guilty? Does he "get away with it," as it were? Certainly not! The question of his guilt or innocence can be safely left in Jehovah's hands. "The sins of some men are publicly manifest, leading directly to judgment, but as for other men their sins also become manifest later." ( 1 Timothy 5:24 ; Romans 12:19 ; 14:12 ) The book of Proverbs says: "The expectation of the righteous ones is a rejoicing, but the very hope of the wicked ones will perish." "When a wicked man dies, his hope perishes." ( Proverbs 10:28 ; 11:7 ) Ultimately, Jehovah God and Christ Jesus render everlasting judgment in justice.— 1 Corinthians 4:5

  • bluebell

    9months community service for ruining a young girls life. So sad

  • JK666

    Another elder caught. Of course, the Watchtower headquarters would say that this incident doesn't count, because she didn't try to sue the Society.


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