This Graph Will Make You Think!!!!!

by AK - Jeff 42 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • AK - Jeff
  • SirNose586

    What's up with that link, Jeff? Kaspersky didn't like that ad at the bottom. Maybe it's a rotating ad, but it was categorized as adware.

    As for God, quite the killer, eh?

  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff

    That might be better if it shows up here.


  • brinjen

    Kind of puts it all in perspective. So much for a "loving God".

  • What-A-Coincidence

    Satan is a slacker.

  • naruto@postate

    It looks like God is in the lead, but I hear Satan is a much better 2nd half player!

  • Aleman

    What a load of crap!!!

    Satan has killed more than that. Due to the fact that he brought forth sin to the human race, he is responsible of the 'death by old age', so this makes his number much much bigger.


  • Superfine Apostate
    Superfine Apostate

    that's not true... according to genesis, it actually was god who punished mankind. (so he could save them later by sacrificing his son to himself - you know, that beat-em-up kinda love).

  • kwintestal

    What a load of crap!!!

    Satan has killed more than that. Due to the fact that he brought forth sin to the human race, he is responsible of the 'death by old age', so this makes his number much much bigger.

    Since God had always had the power to stop those deaths, wouldn't that put it right back on Him? Oh, but he has to prove Himself to ... hmm, I guess Himself.


  • Enjoying freedom
    Enjoying freedom

    The belief goes that god does not do anything to rid the world of satan because to do so would not suit his form of justice.

    I just think that if god exists he has a misplaced ego the size of a planet with no shred of warmth, kindness, love or empathy.

    An illustration I have used when JWs call is this:

    If a patient went to see a doctor (Doctor X) with a severe illness. Doctor X says "yes I know what is causing this, and I think what will happen if we don't treat it is that the patient will suffer years of pain and trauma followed by death. Although my colleague, Dr Y believes that the patient won't suffer. However, I have spent years studying this kind of illness and I am convinced that I am right. There is an easy way to cure this, but I want to be proved right. I want to prove Dr Y to be wrong".

    Dr X proves to be right, the patient suffers years of pain and eventually dies through lack of treatment.

    Wouldn't the patient's family sue the doctor for failing in the duty of care he owes to his patient? In fact it could be argued that failure to act is negligence which is a criminal offence punishable by a prison sentence.

    god is acting in exactly the same way as Doctor X. He knows what is happening, he knows how to put it right, he has the means at his disposal, yet he fails to act.

    in my book god is guilty of Criminal negligence.

    Just my thoughts.

    Enjoying freedom

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