The WTS in The Zionist Conspiracy

by FatJackMcCracken 45 Replies latest jw friends

  • FatJackMcCracken


    By:-Jack McCracken 9.30.01

    The Watchtower Society's membership in the United Nations as an NGO since 1991, and advocacy of the UN charter, is just the tip of the iceberg. The WTS is, and has been, an affiliate of other organizations, some with occultic links, such as, Cesnur,Helsinki Commission,Human Rights Without Frontiers, Russian Prayer Network, Firephim. Forget the hypocrisy and deceit. The WTS and the UN are the products of a will-o'-the-wisp sponsorhip by a secret zionist society sometimes called the Illuminati. "Oh no", not another conspiracy nut, you say. Then stop reading now! Dismiss the aforementioned facts from your mind! The term, New World Order, has its origins before Woodrow Wilson, but George H. Bush revived its usage in 1991. 1991? The New World Order (NWO), New System Of Things, are phrases often found in occultic literature and it's not by accident that the WTS uses them. NWO, Globalism, were phrases bandied also by conspiracists before 1991. Now they're peppered in the mainline media. Why? Because the necessary social and economic conditions have been reached to effect global chaos: and from the designer chaos comes order, a totalitarian new world order, that is. Since 1991 the NWO has sprung out of its closet. What remains in the closet, yet to emerge, is the NWO government itself. How though, does the WTS fit into this scheme?
    The Illuminati is a trans-generational, ultra secret society of non-semitic financier Jewish families, which include the Rockefellers that initially funded the UN, and whose objective is to destroy the present world order, replacing it with a totalitarian New World Order of their design. (The word Illuminati, as used here, is more or less a generic identification because of its amalgamation with, and absorbtion of, other semi-secret societies such as King Edward VII's Club Of Isles and Cecil Rhodes, Society Of The Elect). Membership is presumed to number 300 persons today and is known by other names, such as, The Committee of 300, The Order, The Quest, The Illuminati super-government is a quasi religious financier-oligarchy-kingdom complete with its King of Zion. There will be two classes in the New World Order (NWO), the ruling plutocracy/ aristocratic nobility; and servile subjects historically referred to as serfs. The New System of Things will be reminiscient of feudalism with serfs as human cattle. Presently, the Illuminati rule through their "bogey", the super-government-administration which first appeared as The League of Nations, but now known as the UN, and other international organizations such as the IMF, WTO, etc.. Their religious preference is notably talmudic, occultic and demonic. Christianity is the malignant enemy of the Illuminati. The Illuminati emerged as a unified khaverim, or brotherhood, of European financier families in the 18th century; has been in existence since before 1776 and was directly responsible for The French Revolution of 1789-1799, The Great War of 1914-18, The 1929 Markets crash and the Depression, WWII of 1939-45, the present world conflict and a host of other international events. This khaverim was responsible for the creation of the League after WWI; the UN after WWII; and presumably, the One World Kingdom after WWIII.
    The Illuminati have a sophisticated and well-articulated blueprint to achieve world governance which is seen in one document known as The Protocols of the Meetings of the Learned Elders of Zion(more on this shortly). This document existed before the publication of Herzl's Zionism(Judenstad) in 1897. A copy was smuggled out of France circa 1900 and landed in the possession of a Russian academic named Sergei Nilius who incorporated it within his book, The Great Within The Small. Jewish groups claim it's a hoax. However, any literate person can compare what it states about world events with actual world events and will quickly realize that it has little to do with meetings protocols and more to do as a blueprint for world domination. This blueprint describes many things, such as the super-government kingdom and the bogey. It also describes the plan to create not only conflict between nations, but conflict within nations. Via the implementation of the Hegellian Dialectic, controlled chaos is designed to erupt between the genders, in the family, in politics, in religion, in commerce and industry, in education and in every conceivable human endeavour and institution. The Illuminati has a network of organizations and individuals which assist it to achieve its stated goal of global societal collapse through intrigues from which its NWO will emerge.
    The WTS appears as one of many organizations in the Illuminati's labryinthine stables; and it is a horse of experimental colours. The WTS's mind-conditioned international membership, numbering about 5 million, will be extremely servile and submissive with unquestioning obedience to the authorities in the Iluminati's NWO. The WTS came into existence in the 1870's during the development of articulated zionism. A British journalist has evidence which goes to the heart of this matter, that the WTS was funded by Rothschild money via the B'nai B'rith about 1879 (Frank Goldman claimed this in a 1922 court case in Switzerland). Russell himself was sympathetic to Zionism, the development of a Jewish State and communicated with Lord Rothschild. Rutherford not only championed The Balfour Declaration, but supported the Zionist cause and longed to see a Jewish state in Palestine. Do these sympathies prove that the WTS had Illuminati connections? No, not as isolated incidents. Connecting the dots of WTS intrigues, policies and hidden social agendas presents a pretty grim picture, though. Absent a candid admission, how can one reasonably determine the WTS's clandestine agendas, seeing through the cloak of religious disguise? Jesus' words are most appropriate in helping to connect the dots and lift the veil:-"by their FRUITS you will recognize them". Consider then, WTS fruits!
    Since C.T.Russell's time, spiritistic leanings, demonology, Giza pyramid prophecies, occultic and masonic symbolisms, and Old Testament exegesis have been part of Watchtower theology. Russell himself took some sort of secret vow which caused demons to regularly assault him. Russell is alleged to have been a Rosicrucian, Mason and Knights Templar and purveyor of miracle wheat. He claimed a special calling from infancy. And during a messy divorce his wife accused him of child molestation. Clayton Woodsworth was the editor of The Consolation magazine and admitted he was possessed by demons for three days, and that he couldn't tell good spirits from evil. He was understood to be the recipient of demon dictation detailing information of the preflood world that resulted in the publication of the book, Angels and Women, which Russell and Rutherford placed on their lists of recommended reading.
    Prior to the end of the 19th century Russell was alerted to the Illuminati's plot to commence another world conflict in 1914. Unable to identify his source without advertising his Illuminati links, he conveniently seized upon the prophetic works of others, notably Nelson Barbour, and promoted the date of 1914 as a time which would witness great distress and anarchy. This strained exegesis of curious prophecy has been debunked by archaelogical discoveries which dispatches the notion that the 1914 prophecy could've commenced in 607BC. The present WTS hegemony knows this, but refuses to be honest about it to its membership.
    Next WTS president,'Judge' Rutherford, believed that an international conspiracy involving the commercial Jews of Europe and their Catholic heirarchy agents planned a foreign invasion of America during WWII. Acting in accord with this belief he purchased property and constructed a bomb shelter for the protection of the executive body of the WTS hierarchy. That property was named Beth Shan and was located across the arroyo from Beth Sarim in San Diego, another WTS property purchased to house Jewish princes in 1925. Rutherford appears to have had further insider tips, for in 1942 he predicted that the then defunct League of Nations was going to be revived and that the Allies would win WWII. The League's successor, the UN, sprung to life in 1945 and the Allies won the war. Other "insider" tips include his claims that angels directed his writings. In the Moyle affair legal brief one gets an insight into the workings of an arrogant and often drunk tyrant that has no aversion to abusing people. Even Rutherford's wife didn't think he was a nice man. Thus, the only four WTS 'prophecies' known to have come to pass, are the very events known by the Illuminati and their zionist agents.
    The Protocols comprise 24 sections with overlapping and intermingled statements of purpose.
    For e.g. The function of the Press is oft-mentioned and not limited to any one section.( The same applies to various other categories.) The author brazenly states their agentur owns the press and they(the Illuminati) conrol it. Now the purpose of the Press is to deceive, to advance propoganda and the control of information. Christians probably need no other source of spiritual edification, save the bible. The WTS has repeatedly stated just the reverse! That is, in a peculiarly talmudic manner, the WTS says no-one can progress spiritually without conceding to the superiority of the Watchtower publications and relegating the bible to second place. Their talmud even comes complete with a mishnah, gemarra and tosefta. The WTS publications have been a source of information-controlled propoganda designed for intellectual deception, the destruction of the functional roles of heterosexuals and the disappearance of the functional family structure. Via Watchtower theology, the membership is required to repudiate the freedom which Christ gave his disciples (John 8:36). They thus come under the oppressive controls of the WTS hegemony so that the culture is readily identifiable as Orwellian The culture comes replete with an Informant system and Big Brother. Two classes emerge; spiritual elites and spiritual peons, the latter having the privilege of appointed Taskmasters to beat them into conformity with fear and guilt machinations, similar to how an ancient feudal shepherd might beat cattle. In this type of environment, members are extremely suspicious of each other and malicious gossip is rife.
    The talmudic nature of the WTS is observed in another peculiar feature. The sacrilegious practises of the non-use and over-use of God's personal name are one and the same mechanism. The two extremes are in contrast to the moderate (e.g. hot AND cold is contrasted with lukewarm Rev 3:16). The WTS de-sanctifies God's Holy Name by over-familiarity and over-use, which is the reverse of the ineffable pharisaic method of non-use.
    Aditionally, the WTS is protected from much adverse publicity by its agentur connections in mainline media outlets. Scandals such as murders, suicides and rapes in their missionary homes and headquarters and occasional kidnappings, which have been known by media outlets are quickly suppressed.
    The WTS is additionally illuministically Orwellian. The Illuminati watchtower mind-control experiment has demonstrated the viability of cognitive dissonance. The members have unwittingly assisted the WTS to show that 2 conflicting ideas can be held simultaneously. The immediate effect is confusion, the prime objective; the long term effects are harmful, but this is inconsequential to the WTS oligarchs who treat the serfs as mere cattle.
    Another Orwellian feature is that their Ministry of Truth accomplishes several things,(i) constant sanitizing of their theology and history; (ii) Deification of the WTS oligarchy through an amazing intellectual mechanism called, "Present Truth". The WTS acknowledges that truth is of God. The logic flows thus:- man may have a 'present understanding', or a 'partial understanding' of a truth, he cannot have a Present Truth because every truth is eternal. So when man decrees a truth to be past, present or future, he effectively claims to be God; he then becomes an usurper and blasphemer; and (iii) Revision of classic literature. In this case the WTS produced their New World Translation of the bible with puzzling features.
    Rendering was accomplished with much obfuscation. This device lends itself for the WTS to interpose an exegete so as to interpret scripture for the membership. The members thus are subject to tight intellectual controls. And many passages have been worked to achieve another Illuminist agenda; a social theology designed to cause human unhappiness and the destabilization of the family unit. The WTS simply borrowed from the talmud and learned from the pharisees.
    Protocol objectives have been designed to collapse society by the feminization of men and the masculinization of women, fragment family structure, abrogate biblical morality through liberalism and generally break stable social cycles by conditioning people to ever-changing routines, so that people expect change and won't feel right without change. And so it is in the watchtower world. Heterosexuals in the Watchtower culture have been fairly well androgynized; males are feminized and females masculinized. The males are titular heads in their family, but real power mostly lies with the females( the rare exception is the other end of the spectrum where males are genuine tyrants). As professional researchers like Dr Jerry Goldberg and others have demonstrated heterosexual relationships are strained and fraught with unhappiness. Families are incredibly dysfunctional with high rates of divorce and adolescent illicit sex and/or drug use. Kids leave the religion in droves. Homosexual orientation and behaviour, seduction of female members by elders, adultery and paedophillia proliferates and occassional incidents of homosexual and heterosexual rape. Lying and cheating is pandemic, but made justifiable in certain in-flux circumstamces as defined by the WTS hegemony.
    The WTS uses the natural inclination of women toward gossip to forment vicious and malicious gossip which often has as its object, the destruction of marriage and especially the sabotage of male headship as demanded by the Adonai Yehowah. The elders, usually dominated by their wives, reinforce this machination by labelling male members as "abusive" should ever married males exercise God-ordained headship.
    The WTS admits the use of the Hegellian dialectic,albeit known more commonly as,"thesis, antithesis, synthesis". The confusion caused by Hegellianism is enhanced by constant doctrinal and prophecy changes. Justice is meted out in true Illuminati fashion with accusations by innuendo and inquisitorial trials held in secret star-chamber courts where guilt is assumed and innocence must be proven. Except for the elite in the WTS, education is offically discouraged. Personal initiative is also discouraged. And respect for the individual's conscience is non-existent. In its history the WTS promoted eugenics and its racist past can be observed in that only white, European-descent males hold all key positions in its governance.
    A key Illuminati objective is the elimination of Christianity. How does the WTS participate in this? The realisation of modern secular-nihilistic Western societies has been achieved via applied Liberalism. Liberalism provides the props for the illusion of 'equality-fraternity-liberty'. The WTS is a practitioner of Liberalism. Its claim to be Christian is a fabulous illusion, a monstrous fraud. How can this be? It's analagous to the movie,'The Sting', starring Robert Redford and Paul Newman. In the final act everything was an illusion,- the scene-the furniture-the building-even the people, remember? Christ Jesus said,"Be on the watch for the false prophets that come to you in sheep's covering, but inside are ravenous wolves"(Mat7:15-20). Wolves in sheep's coverings are decievers, masters of illusion! They're also false prophets and the WTS has never got one biblical prophecy right. And they,"come to you", to your front door to devour. A "whitewashed grave" is also an illusion. Their beautiful buildings, the Brooklyn headquarters, the regional bethels and the goody-two-shoes act played out by the participants at the kingdom halls is all part of an illusion. It's a big Sting operation! Every second member privately concedes that something is wrong in the group: Members inherently understand that there's a stench of 'corruption' that belies the illusion. Now, as a practitioner of occultic liberalism, the WTS has led a religious crusade against Christianity, but in an incredibly brilliant, seductive and nefarious manner. It attacks the churches of Christendom under the Liberal battle banner of 'Expose' and assaults all not aligned with its theology and organization. And it's not that the WTS teaches and practises Christianity in a pure form, for its doctrines are equally tainted with demonology, its practises are partially pagan, and its culture Orwellian. The WTS has undermined the authority of the churches by thus exposing them, but in so doing has invoked the venturi principle by sucking people into the nihilistic void of meaningless existence by destroying faith in God and faith in His promises. By taking their message right to the homes of the people (they"come to you") they thus sour people away from God by allowing people to see firsthand how their religion is so hypocritical and deceptive. Equally, those who become members eventually recognize that they've been stripped of any semblance of Christian freedom: Subconsciously at least, these folk understand the big illusion. They learn how to particpate in the goody-two-shoes routine of being Mr.Niceguy at the kingdom hall, but remain true to their old identities elswhere. Many are excommunicated. Others, spiritually devasted, leave. Still others, mentally crippled, are pushed out. Some, realising what's happening, leave with their sanity intact. Of those that were once affiliated, it has been estimated between 5-10 million persons are still living. The majority of these prefer to no longer maintain a religious attachment. So, from both those indirectly exposed to its seduction, and those who depart, the WTS proselytizing activity has saved more souls for nihilism than for Christ By its constant negative commentaries of other Christian groups it might be argued that the WTS is like the woman who advises her friend to seek surgery to rid herself of an unsightly facial blemish, but is privately delighted to know that her friend will die in surgery.
    Conditions within the Watchtower culture can be seen to follow the same identical path of the general society where the effects of Illuminati conditoning are massive, the only exception being is that unquestioning obedience to tyranny is not yet as advanced in the general society as that within the Watchtower world: In all of this, the Illuminati's Watchtower experiment has been largely successful. Juxtapose the Illuminati's plot, as expressed in the Protocols, with conditions within the Watchtower world, and it's relatively easy to discern what the true objective of the WTS has long been.

  • NikL

    You really wrote a book there fat jack. I am not sure how much I think you are right and how much you are wrong but am sure there is a mixture of both here.
    I love reading this sort of thing as it gets me thinking and that is a good thing.


    Interesting fat jack.Do you have definitions for:commecial jews and talmudic.

    The Golden Rule:The people with the gold, make the rule`s!

  • Cygnus

    I'm coo-coo for Coco Puffs!

    How does the "Illuminati" exist for over 300 years without any verifiable proof of its existence and its motives?

    You have several facts about Russell and Rutherford wrong. Russell had nothing to do with the production, distribution, or profits from Miracle Wheat. He said that 1914 would culminate a period of social unrest, upheaval and anarchy -- not a world war inspired by some elect cult. Russell was never a Mason. And Rutherford was dead in 1942.

    One final nail in your theory's coffin: JWs have always, both in print and in word, have said that Armageddon and the new system of things takes place by GOD's decree, not man's, and that GOD performs the actual deed and transformation of the earth into conditions for paradise.

  • MadApostate


    You obviously are a member of this alleged Illuminati plot, since your agenda is to adulterate proven Truths regarding the WTS with your message of ludicrous half-truths and lies, and thus cause any legit JW who would take the time to read such a load of kangaroo krap to immediately conclude that the Watchtower Society is 100% correct when it portrays its opponents as demon-inspired lying fools.

  • logical


    What you wrote is interesting, and most likely true, however can you write in paragraphs, particularly if its going to be very long? It was very hard to follow.

  • FatJackMcCracken

    Response; Outlaw--"commercial jew" write WTS, it's their phrase. "talmudic"--consult Noah Webster.
    CocoPuff--Are you elder material? You'll do well because you're not listening."300 years" was explained. I said Russell was a purveyor of miracle wheat. 1914 was a date Russell knew in advance to be significant; the prophecy was a red herring. Russell several times in his writings alludes to his masonic connections and his name appears in several lodges. Rutherford died on Jan 8th, 1942. One presumes he was alive for 7 or 8 days in 1942 and could've even uttered the statements earlier. My recollection is that Knorr quoted his words posthumously. Do you understand now how its possible for him to say such in 1942? I didn't mention Harmageddon.
    The MadMasturbator or whatever you call yourself---Did you go to night school to be a bonehead, or does it come naturally? You were invited not to read beyond the first paragraph, remember? What happened?
    Fat Jack

  • FatJackMcCracken

    Logical--I pasted the article onto the forum. It was paragraphed. I'm sorry, I don't know what happened in transmission.
    Fat Jack

  • Abaddon

    Take a half dozen facts.

    Simmer for five minutes and add some freshly squeezed half-truths.

    Allow to settle, and add unfounded assertations until the mixture is opaque.

    Then, mix with an equal volume of dillusional fantasy and cook for a number of years in a nutters' head before serving.

    Hay-la-la-la-le, hay-la-la-la-le, hay-la-la-la-le Mr dillusional man.

    There's enough verifiable facts about the Borg without this load of shite to muddy the waters. Please take your medication. And say "Hi!" to Bobby, Shlby and Rex when you meet them in the nicelt padded rec-room.

    Keep on rocking in the free world...

  • RR

    Hey KracKhead, send me your address, I have some anthrax for you!


    Letter Carrier, USPS

    I Still Believe ....

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