Most Witnesses Don't Know the "Current Truth" on Matthew 5:5!

by deaconbluez 30 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • deaconbluez

    Matthew 5:5: "Happy are the mild-tempered ones, since they will inherit the earth."

    If you ask most Witnesses what this verse means, they will say that it means those who are meek/mild/humble will be given the earth as a reward to live forever on. I was surprised to find out that this is not the official Watchtower teaching of that verse. Their "current truth" (LOL) is that Jesus himself is the "meek" and that the earth is his inheritance.

    Here are the references in their literature:
    Insight on the Scriptures, Volume 1 p.1201"The anointed members of the Christian congregation are spoken of as having a heavenly inheritance, sharing Jesus' inheritance as his "brothers." (Eph 1:14; Col 1:12; 1Pe 1:4, 5) This includes the earth. -Mt 5:5."

    Watchtower 1974 June 15 pp.377-378
    "...saying that the 'mild-tempered will inherit the earth.' Yes, those mild-tempered ones who are to be with Christ in his heavenly kingdom will rule over this earth."

    Watchtower 1959 August 1 p.479
    "When Jesus said, as recorded at Matthew 5:5, "Happy are the mild-tempered ones, since they will inherit the earth," of whom was he speaking?-H. S., U.S.A. Jesus here applied the expression "mild-tempered" or "meek" to his disciples of that time who were in line for the heavenly kingdom. He was the chief meek one among them and their example. Hebrews 1:1, 2 and 2:5, 6 show that Jesus inherits the earth or takes over the possession of it. His disciples were made his joint heirs in the Kingdom and enter into this inheritance or possession of the earth with him. Hence Matthew 5:5 does not strictly apply to the "other sheep.""

    Watchtower 1958 March 1 p.139
    "Will that mark the fulfillment of Jesus' promise: "Blessed are the meek: for they shall inherit the earth"? No, at least not primarily. Those words, first uttered by the psalmist David, apply first of all to the pre-eminently meek One, Jesus Christ, to whom his Father, Jehovah God, said: "Ask of me, that I may give nations as your inheritance and the ends of the earth as your own possession." Inheriting the earth is part of his reward for his meek and faithful course while a man.-Matt. 5:5, AS; Ps. 2:8."

  • Finally-Free

    In other words, JWs spend their lives slaving for the watchtower society, and have no idea they're promoting the idea of one day becoming Freddie Franz's (or other annointed one's) pet.

    I remember that interpretation, but I didn't really think about it at the time.


  • drew sagan
    drew sagan

    Get out!!!

    That's something to store in the ol' memory bank...

  • Gopher

    Yeah Jason, I remember being irritated by their interpretation of that verse back in my loyal-JW days.

    It's like we (of their "great crowd" class) had no privileges at all, except for being in the presence of or in the organization with "the anointed". We didn't have Christ as our mediator, only "the anointed" did. We couldn't even inherit the earth, only the "anointed" did.

    What a bunch of egotistic megalomaniacs they were, to believe that every little thing in the Bible is exclusively for them.

  • deaconbluez

    In other words, JWs spend their lives slaving for the watchtower society, and have no idea they're promoting the idea of one day becoming Freddie Franz's (or other annointed one's) pet.

    I remember that interpretation, but I didn't really think about it at the time.

    Yeah, like I said, the majority of Witnesss that don't research anything, but just take the Watchtower's word on everything...they are the ones that wouldn't know this "official" teaching if it were asked of them.

    I remember countless Bible studies where elders would use that verse to explain how all humans will inherit the earth, not to mention how many times from the platform it was explained that way.

    In the same way, if you ask the average Witness, "Who is your Mediator?" They will most likely say, "Jesus." But that isn't what their precious "spirit-directed" organization teaches.

  • deaconbluez

    Yeah Jason, I remember being irritated by their interpretation of that verse back in my loyal-JW days.

    It's like we (of their "great crowd" class) had no privileges at all, except for being in the presence of or in the organization with "the anointed". We didn't have Christ as our mediator, only "the anointed" did. We couldn't even inherit the earth, only the "anointed" did.

    What a bunch of egotistic megalomaniacs they were, to believe that every little thing in the Bible is exclusively for them.


  • steve2

    So those of us too lacking in megalomania to profess to be of the anointed, get sweet f 'all by comparison? Damn: All I wanted was a low maintenance house and a piece of nicely-located real estate.

    But seriously, the Watchtower spin on Matthew 5:5 did disturb me when I was an active JW but honestly now I don't give a tinker's cuss.

  • Zico

    Most Witnesses don't know it... I didn't even know it!

    Good spot. I guess I still have things to learn about the WT Society.

  • R.F.

    It's like we (of their "great crowd" class) had no privileges at all, except for being in the presence of or in the organization with "the anointed". We didn't have Christ as our mediator, only "the anointed" did. We couldn't even inherit the earth, only the "anointed" did.

    This is one of the very points that have driven me away from the organization. It's as if the "anointed" have become the modern day golden calf, and many give them alot more adoration than they do Jesus.

  • Sasha

    There are soooo many scriptures the Witnesses don't interpret correctly because THEY are not the chosen. They put way too much time into indoctrination and ignoring you're questions (Or in my case lying about them). Shame

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