What foods do you find offensive?

by bigwilly 62 Replies latest jw friends

  • seawolf

    Nothing really bothers me as long as it's not RAW. Other than that I'll eat just about anything, although I haven't tried mountain oysters nor will I ever try them...

  • LoverOfTruth

    Thanks for the confirmation Baba. My son Aaron is married to an Indonesian Girl and they do enjoy strange foods.

  • NewYork44M

    Taiwan has this fermented tofu called "stinky tofu."

    It really stinks and in my opinion, offensive.

  • Odrade

    Bananas, cucumbers, the now ubiquitous twinkie, kielbasas, hot dogs- especially those offensively inappropriate Kosher dogs... OH, bully sticks, passionfruit. I'm sure there are others. Many foods are offensive. There should be ratings.

  • LtCmd.Lore

    Human flesh... and... that's about it.

  • SnakesInTheTower

    and its southern cousin ...same as a white castle, just two little rectangles instead of a square with holes...

    both have a baaaaaaaddddd aftertaste and a worse afterburn..... white castles are not called sliders (aka Slyders) for nothing....

    SnakesInTheTower (of the "as a kid used to eat 10 at a time, now cant/wont eat them ever again" Sheep Class)

  • mamochan13

    tofu or soya cheese, soy ice cream - tofu/soyburgers, fake meat....basically anything vegan that pretends not to be

  • noni1974


  • Black Sheep
    Black Sheep

    I don't really find any food offensive.

    There are a few things I don't like. Tripe, camembert cheese and it's ilk.

    I enjoy quite a few foods that others don't like. Some of them are mentioned here already.

    Fish heads are a favourite around here, but my wife doesn't like the eyes and brains....all the more for me :-)

    I am sure that some of the foods I do enjoy would put many here off tonights dinner. Sometimes I have to be careful who is watching when I sneak a treat.

    The foods I do avoid are the highly processed ones, like margerine. We didn't evolve eating that sort of rubbish, so I am offended if someone serves up marg. when they know it is not on my diet list, but I do refrain from giving them a hard time about it on the night.



  • FlyingHighNow

    According to Smokey the Bear, "Boy Scouts taste a lot like chicken." I never tasted one, so I can't back him up. Maybe I should try a former boyscout?

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