Pro-life arguments

by Skimmer 109 Replies latest jw friends

  • wanderlustguy

    Spoken like a truly emasculated man. Another victim of rabid feminism.

    BA- Has balls and isn't afraid to use 'm.

    That's pretty funny, couldn't come up with something intelligent so you had to go to some defalt labeling and blaming my response on something that has nothing to do with it. Did you have to look up emasculated to make sure you spelled it right?

    Do I have to start saying "balls" in my posts to prove I'm man enough for my thoughts to be acceptable and get a response with some actual thought and not some bs the rest of the bar crowd likes to say to make themselves feel better?

  • Brother Apostate
    Brother Apostate


    Look in the mirror, find yourself underneath that estrogen induced persona you have benn cuckolded by and find the strength to think for yourself.

    BA- Minatur innocentibus qui parcit nocentibus.

    PS- And take your balls off the shelf, and out of the mason jar.

  • worldtraveller

    If you are in support of the death penalty, you simply cannot be pro life. That is a given. I would however call them "anti-choice".

    And pro choice is not pro abortion. There is a HUGE difference. I suppose that stem cells are on the pro lifers list, too.

    If you want to ask me what I am- I am 100 percent pro life. I just want government off peoples back.

  • blueviceroy

    It has been my experience that when truth is offered two kinds of people make an appearence the intelligent person with a differing world view that needs no affirmation by others to uphold the belief they possess, and the narrowminded, uninspired ,unimaginative ,blind egotistical fool that feels the need to defend the point of view which they possess out of bias ,prejudice, ignorance,self delusion ,lack of experience and fear

    Often times these individuals are lacking in education,common decency,courtesy,imagination,and even the barest experience of God in thier miserable little world

    Instead of maturely debating ideas they lash out in personal attacks in an attempt to feel empowered or in some way superior to the percieved oponent

    It always fails to achieve the desired result and simply exposes thier true nature as an infinitly unpleasent individual

  • wanderlustguy


    Look in the mirror, find yourself underneath that estrogen induced persona you have benn cuckolded by and find the strength to think for yourself.

    Ouch. Oh that hurt. Maybe I should just hang myself to stop the emotional pain of someone using the term "cuckolded" with reference to me. Sounds like you have a great deal of experience in the area, eh? actually it sounds like you heard it from someone else and it sounded like a good insult in lieu of something requiring real thought towards the conversation.

    I have a feeling of the two of us you are much farther from finding yourself, and I think for myself just fine.

    You come up with everything except an actual response to a statement and sink to insulting the person because they can think...for themselves. The saddest thing is you'll go on spouting the same old redneck arguements about how women are inferior and need to be told how to live and what to do and if they have two black eyes you can't say anything to them because someone already told them twice. is wonderful in that it reinforces my opinion since you have no real response.

    It must be miserable to be so far along in life and have learned so little, and judging from how much you have to say you have really much suck to be the only one who thinks so.

  • fifi40

    Skimmer. BA...............I take it you are both vegetarians then.......

  • Skimmer

    Argument #22: "Pro-choice is not pro-abortion."

    * How can "pro-choice" not be pro-abortion when the choice in question is abortion? When the question is whether or not abortion can be a legal/moral choice?

    * We're talking about morality and legality, not "choice." Unless we deny freewill, we're not really arguing about choice per se. Human beings have freewill-they can choose good or evil. Thus, intentional abortion, like any homicide, is always a "choice," legal or not. The real questions: among all the possible choices involving innocent children, which are moral? Which should be legal?

    * You cannot separate the "choice" from its action (object). Choice, without a referent object, is meaningless. "I'm for choice." What choice? Rape? Murder? Child pornography?

    * In practice, if you are not expressly against abortion, you are at minimum implicitly in favor of it. An analogy: "We are not in favor of slavery, only for the right to choose whether or not to own one." This, of course, is a de facto sanction of slavery as legally and morally valid. Likewise, the statement that one is in favor of the "choice" to abort strictly defines abortion as a legal or moral choice. Believing that abortion is a legally and morally valid choice is the crucial pro-abortion tenet.

    Further, any attempt to define pro-abortion as actively promulgating abortion, but "pro-choice" as abortion-neutral is in reality creating a distinction without a difference. The major "pro-choice" groups can hardly be described as neutral observers passively monitoring abortion from the sidelines bereft of any relevant ideology or interests.

    * "Pro-choice" is a euphemism for pro-abortion. If the issue were slavery, "pro-choice" would be a euphemism for pro-slavery.

    If abortion is not evil, why do so many of its advocates reject the objective term pro-abortion?
    * Pro and anti are well understood prefixes meaning "for" and "against," respectively. In classifying someone's position on abortion "pro-abortion" or "anti-abortion" are the most objective terms possible. If someone is afraid of being called pro-abortion, perhaps their conscience is telling them something!

  • Skimmer

    Actually, I was a strict vegetarian for about five years back in the 1990s. But I had to stop as the practice was messing with my liver chemistry. Nowadays I do eat some meat, but probably less than one Kg per month.

    As I recall, there's a passage in Acts where it's expressly demonstrated that there are no dietary restrictions in the new covenant (except cannibalism, I guess).

  • fifi40

    Hi Skimmer

    So are you saying that your stand on anti abortion is based on bible principles?

    If you are how do you balance the deaths/murders that God sanctions in the scriptures?

  • Skimmer

    You say that I am anti abortion, and that's true although I have never said such myself. I am pro-life which includes being against convenience abortion along with other practices.

    And where did I ever say that my being pro-life is based on bible principles? Where in any of my pro-life arguments is there any reference to the bible?

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