Lowly publishers can now attend international conventions

by unbeliever 19 Replies latest jw friends

  • Junction-Guy

    Hey Watson, something I picked up on here is that now they have the opportunity to "apply", it doesnt mean that the society will approve. I can imagine some dubs getting their feelings hurt to find out that others in their congregation were approved and they werent.

  • watson

    I guess you could say they have to "qualify." You know, good standing, etc. There is some paperwork to fill out, and I am pretty sure the elders have to approve it. Kind of like going to "where the need is great."

  • Highlander
    Aren't ALL the conventions "open to the public?" So what's to prevent anyone from traveling to some exotic convention site and attending? Even us? It always cracked me up that there was all this application bullcrappy, and "special privileges" to attend.

    Once you start researching cult dynamics, this arrangement makes perfect sense.

    And yes, as mentioned above, though the application is now available for any baptized witness, there is still the approval process to get through. So in my view, the international conventions will still be viewed as a 'special privilege'. The only difference will be the extra excitement that is generated among the dubbies.

  • MidwichCuckoo
    I could be overanalyzing, but I see this as a strategy by the WTS to give the Dubs a bit of excitement in there lives...

    ....and the Org a nice little earner if the R&F are being charged OTT ($2500?). Looks like poorer dubs will be excluded then!

  • WTWizard

    Whoopie ding dong. Who wants to waste $2,500 or more and the time it takes to travel and attend, fight airport security, and go through the hassle of finding a hotel room for some stupid wastefest that they could get locally? I feel we get more out of these wastefests just by looking on this forum at the threads of the few that actually go through the drudgery of going.

  • tijkmo

    international conventions have never not been open to publishers

    but since 'good standing' credentials apply and there is limited availability and they are costly, these places are usually taken by elders, ms - or someone in the cong may pay for a pioneer to attend.

    i remember applying as an ms and both my wife and i pioneering and being told we weren't in good standing.


  • blondie

    They either are finding that

    1) pioneers and elders (families) aren't so safe spiritually in behavior

    2) not enough pioneers and elders have the money to sign up to fill their quota of "ambassadors"

  • carla

    Didn't someone have a thread that it would be in Peru in 2009?

  • TheListener

    The last round of international conventions were in 2006? (maybe 2007, announced in 2005).

    Anyway, the letters to the congregations began with elders who had been serving 10 years or more could apply.

    The next letter asked for any elder who had been serving for 5 years as well as pioneers.

    The next letter asked for any elder and pioneer.

    Now, they've decided that instead of embarrassing themselves by slowly lowering the requirements they would just open it up to any approved publishers.

    I distinctly remember my wife and I snickering how funny it seemed that for a several month period letter after letter was read which lowered the attendance requirements. (remember, snickering is a big deal for her because she's a dyed in the wool dub).

    Note: anyone can attend the conventions, they are open to the public, however, if you are a foreign delegate you won't be able to travel with the approved dub groups. Also, if you go to just any old international convention you would need to ensure your language will be supported. Even with conventions in the US they don't want dubs to randomly travel to any old DC they choose. The WTS has stated several times that dubs should notify their congregation secretary that they will not be attending the DC they are assigned to and which one they plan on attending. For food and room requirements plus ensuring enough seats are available for all planned to attend a particular convention (BS BS BS BS BS BS).

  • ronin1

    Yes, I was a regular pioneer in 1989 when I attended the international convention in Haiti.

    It's made a big deal like you are so special and the WT makes all the arrangements- hotel, air fare, sightseeing events, etc.

    It was a nice experience, but looking back in hindsight one can see the WT control and cult ways.


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