What's Your View of Spiritism Now???

by minimus 40 Replies latest jw friends

  • Sunnygal41
    Ah yes, those lucky JWs, so free from superstition!! Makes me yearn for the days I was among them, I had no superstitious worries in the world!

    lol...........i liked that, Leolaia! Quite frankly, very little bothers me anymore, either, while, when I was a JDub, I was scared of my own shadow! As a whole, my "world view" has lightened considerably and I am a more positive and optimistic person.

  • MadTiger

    Ouija boards:

    They work!!!

    That is why the Society was right about one thing: they are dangerous. But, as was stated, if you implement the protective measures, and ALL the participants are on the same page as far as realizing that it isn't a game, then you would be OK.

    When there are bad Ouija board stories, it always involves people who take it as a joke, and/or people who do not properly protect the participants.

  • Homerovah the Almighty
    Homerovah the Almighty

    Spirits do not exist out side of the human imagination, but if you are looking for them of course thats where they'll be.

  • alias

    [I have been known to have interaction with spirit beings.]


    Your journey is intriguing to me and I am wondering if you could elaborate on this. I am genuinely curious and would love to read more details about it (if you'd rather PM me, that's okay too.)

    Thank you,

  • Maddie

    When I was a teenager, just after mum died I dabbled with ouija and remember that it did work. We got all kinds of information but got freaked out after a while so stopped doing it.

    I have known people who regularly go to spiritualist meetings and believe they get messages from dead relatives.

    When I was a "believing" JW I was always thinking about demons waiting to get me etc. A JW sister told me recently that she is always careful what she says out loud in case satan hears her!

    I don't have a desire to mess around with spirits but I don't walk around in fear of them either.


  • forsharry

    I'm not sure what my "Official" stance is...however, my personal experience with the 'spiritual' or 'other' side of things is being alone in my in-laws house, and having just gotten out of the shower, I walked across the hall into my bedroom and began to towel off...with door open of course, cause that's how I roll... ;)

    Anyway...I'm turning around and I see a man walking past the door...a tall man, black hair, short and wavy ala 40's haircut...with button down oxford shirt, khaki pants...

    I screamed bluddy murder, and threw the towel around me and ran out of the room to confront the man (I'm a black belt in karate.) only...no man. He was heading towards the other end of the house, away from the stairs and the only way 'out.'

    Of course I keep this to myself till my in-laws and hubby get home. I tell the mom-in-law and she pales, runs into the room and pulls out an old picture from her album. Her dead father...it was a spitting image of him when he was younger. I had NEVER seen a picture of him...I had only met him weeks before he died from lung cancer and he looked NOTHING like the young man in the photo.

    Do I believe in the spiritual? Believe is a strong word. Possibility? Sure...why not. I have had 'faith' in far sillier things in my life by comparison.

  • Clam

    I've been a spiritualist for a few years now and regularly take part in seances and physical mediumship circles. I wouldn't touch a ouija board with a barge pole.

  • diamondblue1974
    You said something about protecting yourself before using a ouiji board. Not that I would use one again but I am curious what you meant by that? Lilly

    Theres a number of protective measures people should take before doing any spiritual work (by spiritual work I mean communicating with the other side). Check out this article on Psychic Self Defence, its quite informative.



  • lovelylil

    Thanks Gary.

  • Sirona

    Your journey is intriguing to me and I am wondering if you could elaborate on this. I am genuinely curious and would love to read more details about it (if you'd rather PM me, that's okay too.)

    Thank you,

    Hi Alias,

    I am not a spirit medium and I don't make any efforts to contact the dead. I've considered pursuing it more seriously, but just haven't for one reason or another. That said, I do meditate and I take part in rituals (pagan). At Samhain (Halloween) we perform a ritual where the dead are invited to join us. At these rituals in the past I have seen actual spirits within the circle (those with some kind of psychic gift also saw the spirits, sometimes it was good to compare notes afterwards. Once I saw a tabby cat spirit walking around and I thought it was wierd, but afterwards some of the others said "did you see that tabby cat?")

    I had communication once from my ex-husband's granny who had only just died. She told me something I could not have known and the message only made sense weeks later, after the funeral. It was very specific and I can see no explanation other than she actually did communicate with me. The communication was almost instantaneous - quick flashes of images in my head and I "knew" the message.....it was not a "voice" or anything like that.

    If you have any questions, just ask them.


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