Would You Condone Giving Birth Control To 11 Year Olds???

by minimus 78 Replies latest jw friends

  • Mrs. Witness
    Mrs. Witness

    OK, nvr, I normally agree with you, but I have to disagree here. I HAVE an 11-year-old daughter. I would have an anurism (sp?) if I found out she was getting birth control pills from the school nurse. I KNOW many kids have sex at young ages (I was 14 myself), but why in the heck would parents hand off their duty to a SCHOOL?! Geez, they took away corporal punishment, as Coffee said, they can't give aspirin... but we're going to give them the most precious thing...our daughter's sexuality, self-esteem, etc, etc?

    If one girl gets pregnant in the locality, doesn't it seem like overkill to give ALL the girls easy access to birth control?

    I remember being a young teenage girl and let me tell you...if I could have gotten my hands on the pill at that age, I would have been A LOT more promiscuous than I was without it!

  • Mrs. Witness
    Mrs. Witness

    AND not to mention what the pill will do to these girls' bodies!! There's a reason you can't buy them over the counter!

  • Paralipomenon

    Studies are showing that kids are reaching sexual maturity earlier and earlier.

    Denial isn't the answer. If an 11 year old is going to have sex and at that age can get pregnant, I would rather they have access to birth control.

    While I would be disappointed if I found out one of my sons was having sex at 11, I would be more disappointed if I found out that they were having unprotected sex at 11.

    Tough call.

  • troubled mind
    troubled mind

    Have you really given this deep consideration ?

    Yes parents Should be teaching morals to their children and Encouraging them to remain chaste until they are more mature physically and mentally BUT........

    SOME Middle school age children are sexually active , face it .There are sixth and seventh grade girls getting pregnant . Those few that don't have adults to care and direct them need protection and advice . They are not passing the stuff out like candy you know . The school on the news last night reported only five students actually requesting the birth control .

    I do think the parents should be told if their child is recieving birth control pills . The pills can have serious side effects and parents should be aware.

    I also think it is really unhealthy for children to be taking the pill ,but I also think it is really unsafe for a thirteen year old to be having a baby !

  • bisous

    The statistic I read is 13% or 1 in 10 middle schoolers report being sexually active in Maine. Making contraceptives available would NOT, IMO, result in droves becoming sexually active ... rather it addresses the needs of those already sexually active. Parents who have such little confidence in their relationship with their children need to reevaluate and work on improving that relationship. The mere existence of contraceptive availability will not make them sexually active. Many middle schoolers have no interest in sex. But lots of kids are having sex earlier than what you might expect.

    I have a daughter (now in her 20s); and would have far preferred her to use contraceptives than become pregnant. We had an open relationship and conversations about sex early on, where I made this very clear. I provided education and access RE contraceptives to my teens (daughter and son) when they hit *the age* and it did not make them anything other than informed.

  • nvrgnbk
    I certainly don't think they're ready for that. Do you, NVR?

    I also don't think people do themselves or anyone else a favor when the shoot heroin into themselves.

    As I mentioned above, there are groups that pass out clean needles to known users to prevent the spread of certain diseases.

    I'm sure most that engage in this are trained health professionals or perhaps even recovering users that volunteer to keep those still addicted as safe as possible until they can get off the drug. To pass judgment on those they seek to protect would be of no help at all.

    When public health policy is based on religious, worse yet, puritanical mores, the results can be disastrous.

    Stem-cell reasearch?

    Are you aware of the fact that in Victorian England masturbation was such a demonized practice that solicitation of prostitues was seen as a more acceptable means of sexual release?

    In that case, puritanical sensibilities led to the spread of syphilis.

  • minimus

    And what about the little 11 year old boy? Is he mature enough to take birth control seriously? You can't even get an 11 year old to do his chores!

  • minimus

    The bottom line is we're talking about 11 year olds!

  • nvrgnbk
    You can't even get an 11 year old to do his chores!

    You crack me up, dude!

    Am I gonna have to call johnny cip?


  • minimus

    We all know kids drink alcohol. Should we send the message to them that since they do, we'll monitor it?? Same goes for smoking and pot.

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