Do Jehovah's Witnesses REALLY Love Others?

by minimus 34 Replies latest jw friends

  • Blueblades

    A very personal experience that I will share with you. I was in line to inherit a huge sum of money as long as I would remain an Elder and continue to stay in the organization. This is "Simony" and I would not accept it. The so- called love was conditional. I left the organization and the money. I can't be bought when it comes to the Watchtower Society and it's so called loved ones.



    In their wildest dreams maybe.


  • Anti-Christ

    Journey-on, don't forget:

    " There is no fear in love, love drives out fear" The WTBTS is fueled by fear.

  • oldflame
    They are the "most loving Organization in the world".

    I have never experienced more hate from any friend or religious faith than what I have experienced from a JW, They are so full of hate and bitterness towards others outside of their org. Hell I have never seen so much bitterness towards their own followers. They talk about others in their congregations more than other churches i have been too. JW's are very hypocritical, and two faced that I have ever known.

  • 4digitcode

    to summer:

    are you studying or something with the witnesses and that's why you feel the love bombing?? if you are, stop before they get a hold of your mind!!

    i think jehovah's witnesses disdain sinners and what they consider bad association but they absolutely hate apostates!

    They don't understand the meaning of unconditional love. If any of my old friends came out i would seriously guard myself until i see they truly don't think that way anymore.

    I feel like witnesses give with the right hand and take away with the left.
    They may give you an appearance of love but at the first mistake you're totally discarded. ANd when you're df'ed it's out of sight and out of mind.

    Have you guys ever noticed how sometimes they even try to get you to say 'apostate' stuff so they truly have a good reason to not talk to you? i had these friends i tried to call once in a while. One of them always did that. He was always fishing for it randomly saying 'have you been on the internet? or Who are you talking to?' ....what a loser! bless him.

  • flipper

    I think maybe a small percentage, to be fair, love people unconditionally. Maybe 5 % of them or less. The one's who are just decent human beings on the inside, and would have been that way without the witness influence. But like others said, the majority just show fake "love " only if the reciever of their "love " is interested in pushing the views of the witnesses and accepting it. Otherwise, no they don't really love. My mom is pretty unconditional in her love, but not my witness daughters. I think most witnesses " love " others out of fear

  • llbh

    I agree , and how can dfing be loving? Love is by definition about tolerance and accepting of divergent views They do feel threatened be them even though they think they have the truth. On a personal level I did experience a lot of kindness when I was going - very little now though how, is it that uncondiitional?

    Regards llbh

  • *summer*

    To 4digitcode...

    Yes, the 'love bombing' is happening because I started studying a few months ago. At this point in time, I still have a weekly study on Mondays. And I go to the Revelation book study on Thursdays. I have spent so much time searching the Intenet!!! You should only see my bookmarks! I ordered the book Crisis of Conscience, which should be delivered soon. I also read many personal experiences on this site. They all have a commun denominator of pain and sorrow.

    Thank you for your concern. But not to worry...they will not get me*

  • minimus

    Definitions change easily for Witnesses. Lying really isn't lying if you're telling an untruth to a person not entitled to know.

    Love means never talking to a lifelong friend or family member because of a disagreement. Right.

  • minimus

    Summer, The Revelation Climax book is so ridiculous it isn't even funny!

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