looking for friends to talk with

by ctisi 87 Replies latest jw friends

  • Seven

    TR, I'm 5'10" and have no trouble at all with such beasts. :) I was just joking with Red.

  • RedhorseWoman

    Seven, no need to be embarrassed. I've known TR for a long time from other boards. We always have the horse vs dirtbike "discussion". He always loses, but like a typical man, he latches on to any statement that might in any way be construed as supportive of his "obsession".

    Just tell him to go eat dirt!!

  • circare

    Dear TR and Red,

    I have watched this discussion with much interest and (ROF), and believe that you have both voiced the merits of your respective beasts well. However, having been thrown from both types of steeds myself, I wonder that there is much appeal in either. ???

    Seven shame on you! You are letting that naughty waiting lead you astray! Again!

    (Thankyou all for this most entertaining repartee.)

  • Frenchy

    Yes, my hat (or helmet) is off to both Tom and Red for the excellent job they did in this interactive fantasy. Say, guys maybe we could sell this idea to one of the networks for a sitcom. What do you think? Could it be any worse than the stuff that's on now?
    Here's the deal:
    An ingenious computer wiz (Simon) inadvertently discovers/creates/invents a remarkable technology that takes virtual reality to a new level. A group of people who are on a discussion board 'plug into' this thing and create a virtual identity for themselves and act out all sorts of things in this virtual world. Sounds great, don't it?
    Ah, never mind, I think that was done in Lawmower Man!

    -Seen it all, done it all, can't remember most of it-

  • TR


    I think this sitcom idea is great! Even though lawnmower man touched on it, it would make a good tv series. A new type of "X Files".

    I could be the character that always has a hair-brained idea that has a down side he didn't forsee. The sort of ideas that are futuristic, but just aren't well thought out. They end up being worse than what is presently being utilized.(horses and dirt bikes?) The rest of the cast spends most of their time trying to convince me that my ideas suck. Frenchy and Red(Mulder and Scully) are the real stars when they end up solving the problems in very practical but old fashioned ways(horses). Simon, the big boss, is always threatening to shut down the project.

    TR- expecting the cast to tell me that THIS hair-brained idea sucks

    Edited by - TR on 30 November 2000 11:20:45

  • TR

    Hey, cast of the virtual knights round table! Just wanted to say I've never had more fun getting my butt kicked.

    However, I, being of a chivalrous nature, tend to concede in the cases of arguements with the Lady Red.


  • RedhorseWoman

    Actually, TR, I think your idea is quite good. I REALLY like the thought of being able to kick your butt on a weekly basis.

  • Seven

    Frenchy, Red, TR, Seriously this could be quite fun. I currently participate in several role playing adventures loosely based on the books of JRR Tolkien's Middle-earth-one online, and the other play-by-mail. The current email game includes a fantasy religion. We could
    use the Literature and Reading forum. We may even be able to convince Pathto join in. He enjoys listening to my Trek adventures. He likes it when I say things like: I discovered that a chain reaction in the planet's polaric ion power generators obliterated all organic life on the planet. I became caught in a temporal flux caused by residual subspace fractures, and reappered in the same place one day earlier...LOL
    Your ideas are good TR.

  • Pathofthorns

    I just want to say that while i think everyone here is good peoples (lol) i am greatly embarrassed by the thought of everyone being caught up in online "role playing" games.

    About the only thing i'd like to pretend is that i'm not actually reading that people here think they are somehow movie stars that frequent any sort of "conventions" where people dress up like aliens.

    I try to follow the direction of the FDS in these matters.

    *** g83 7/8 27 Christ or E.T.? ***
    Christ or E.T.?
    E.T.—The Extra-Terrestrial burst on the scene in the United States this past summer, attracting theater audiences in record numbers. In only six weeks it grossed nearly $150 million. With spin-offs in E.T. dolls, toys and other merchandise—as well as the movie’s release in other parts of the world—it is estimated the public could spend a whopping $1 billion on E.T. Why the E.T. fever?
    The movie depicts an ungainly 3-foot (90-cm)-high creature from space, stranded on earth, who befriends a ten-year-old boy named Elliott. E.T.’s friendliness and benign powers, such as healing the boy’s cut finger and bringing flowers to life, win the affection of Elliott and his family. Sadly, a wasting illness appears to take the creature’s life. But when he is inexplicably “resurrected” before Elliott’s eyes audiences cheer. His touching good-bye, when E.T.’s alien friends take him home, leaves hardly a dry eye in the theater.
    Interestingly, many have noted parallels in the story to that of the life of Jesus Christ. Said Professor Albert E. Millar, Jr.: “I think the thing that struck me most was the idea of the capacity to heal, and then when E.T. died and was resurrected.” We have in E.T., then, an enchanting Messiahlike figure that gives momentary emotional release to our need for a true friend with powers greater than ours. Therein lies the movie’s great appeal.
    Despite its seemingly Christian message, however, the movie subtly condones youthful misbehavior. In an early scene we find youths playing “Dungeons and Dragons” in a smoke-filled room with a lighted cigarette on the table. Later on, when E.T. gets drunk sampling beer, and Elliott in telepathic sympathy feels the effects, it is all portrayed as something cute. Further, some of the language used by these children is gross profanity. This, along with the supernatural aspects of the movie, has bothered many Christians.
    Whether parents or their children see this movie is, of course, a matter of personal choice. But because of the movie’s great popularity, let us not forget that it becomes an effective vehicle for sugarcoating youthful conduct that is definitely wrong.
    E.T. may be a skillfully constructed and highly entertaining movie. But it provides no substitute for our True Friend, Jesus Christ, who saves us from this dying, wicked world. After all, E.T. is make-believe. Christ is reality.

    I think its time to put away your chessboards and get a reality check.

    Path (who still hasn't seen ET (lol)

  • RedhorseWoman
    I discovered that a chain reaction in the planet's polaric ion power generators obliterated all organic life on the planet. I became caught in a temporal flux caused by residual subspace fractures, and reappered in the same place one day earlier...

    This sounds like my LIFE! LOL

    And, Path, just a little info here. How in the world do you think people are able to survive married life for anything longer than two weeks? Fantasy, my dear....active imagination.....and role playing. Get used to it.

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