Are there still some of those JW qualities than rear its ugly head once in a while???
Would Anyone Ever Be Able To Tell That You Were Once A Witness?
by minimus 40 Replies latest jw friends
In my case, no (unless I tell them).
Sometimes, the judicial committee elder comes out in me, especially if I think someone's lying to me.
Sometimes, the judicial committee elder comes out in me, especially if I think someone's lying to me
Minimus ...
Does that mean when you want to have a serious talk with someone you prefer to discuss the matter at the library?
Rub a Dub
Absolutely NOT!!!! But I can usually tell that someone is a JW before they say a word, just that arrogant, I know it all and you are dirt kinda vibe they give off!
I liked the "backroom".
Not really, but I still like to dress up. I also have that tendency to do so when I go to Church. Even though so many come in jeans etc. I'm sorry, but I do feel a bit of respect for God should be shown, hence my reasons for still preferring to dress up.
No. Some time ago ago as I was sitting at the bar TGIF relaxing, the young guy next to me started talking about the Bible and actually pulled it out of his bag and started quoting some scriptures about Jesus is his savior etc. I let him have his say and did not say anything to discourage him. I went to the restroom and changed my seat when I came back. He started to talk to anyone else who sat next to him. I don't get into it anymore with others who have their beliefs. Those days are over for me. Anyway the bar is not the place to get into religious discussions.
Years ago the PUB was the place to discuss any topic, not today.
Open mind
I got a "purple triangle" tattooed on my posterior once when I was drunk.
Does that count?
Open Mind
I am good at leading a double life minimus