Why is Talking to a Witness so Hard?

by Perry 22 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Perry

    Here's my take for one of the reasons: JW's perceive ANYONE who asks the wrong questions as a hater of Jehovah and a persecuter. They think Jesus had them in mind here:

    John 17: 14

    I have given them thy word; and the world hath hated them, because they are not of the world, even as I am not of the world.

    The word of God isn't what's important to them.... it's the state of being hated that drives their psychology. Never mind that the lies, arrogance, judging, child molestation, abuse pay-outs, false prophecies, emploded families, misrepresentation of God, screwball bible translations, prohibitions on salvation, sports, college, careers, etc. triggers the exasperation of some. The fact that they feel hated is the only thing that's important and IS the drug that fuels their psychological perversion.

    So, once they sense that you are against anything the WT does or says.... they have their hate fix; and just like any addict ...they're off to the next fix. No time for genuine authentic human interaction... that's just a waste of time that is prolonging their next hate fix.

  • R.F.

    Good point. This is something I had been thinking about.

    This would seem to explain why JWs more usually get defensive when you ask sincere questions about their faith. As soon as they sense that anyone is a potential threat to anything they believe as a JW, it only "proves" to them that they are God's people and they dismiss themselves and go about their merry way.

  • Gopher

    It's all black and white with JW's, you either are a "sheep" who loves and agrees with them, or you are a "goat" who hates them. They actually invite hate, it's like a vicious circle (invite hate, get hate, hate back, invite more hate...).

    The only way to avoid that vicious circle is to avoid a loyal JW all together (if possible).

  • steve2

    Good question. JWs, just like so many other fundamentalist groups, treat your questions as of less importance than your supposed Motives for asking it.

    No matter how sensible your questions, the typical JW will brush aside those questions and become obsessed with your motives for asking it. Invariably they will conclude that your motives are suspect, so they will feel justified in not answering your questions. A nice way for them to avoid thinking about your questions and accepting all they're told in the magazines.

    The astonishing thing , though, is that this is precisely the mentality of people in churches: Unquestioningly accepting all the minister or priest tells them. Double standard to the max.

  • greendawn

    It is for the reasons you mentioned plus they have been instructed to think that anyone trying to argue against their beliefs or organisation is inspired by satan and has the intention of snatching them away from the salvation of the incumbent org to deprive them of paradise and eternal life. To them it is a very harmful prospect.

  • oompa


  • Perry
    The astonishing thing , though, is that this is precisely the mentality of people in churches: Unquestioningly accepting all the minister or priest tells them.

    We'll I can certainly speak for my 900 member Baptist church. The people constantly check to see if the teachers are presenting good biblical doctrine. It was one of the things that made want to worship God with these people.

    No doubt there are many as you describe though.

  • journey-on

    Why is it so hard talking to a JW? It's because they won't listen. The minute they finish their say,

    their ears go shut. Nothing you can say to them to counter their statements is heard. The very

    second they detect disagreement, the shield goes up (they have a trigger scripture for that, too)

    and nothing you can say....no amount of reasoning....no data you can present....will get them to


    As long is the argument is about a doctrinal issue, they're okay. They've been taught to overcome

    these kinds of objections. But, the second you bring out the big guns, their ears are closed and

    they get that stupid look in their eyes like you're demonized or something.

  • steve2
    We'll I can certainly speak for my 900 member Baptist church. The people constantly check to see if the teachers are presenting good biblical doctrine.

    Granted, not all people close-off their minds when their teachings are questioned. But it is perhaps more likely to happen to people whose beliefs are rigid (i.e., black and white, with no room for flexibility in interpretation etc.).

  • lfcviking

    Perry, thats a great analysis. I agree with you, they seem to feel that with them being 'hated' it makes them the true religion because Jesus said :

    I have given them thy word ; and the world hath hated them, because they are not of the world, even as I am not of the world.

    What they fail to acknowledge is that there are other groups, minorities that are 'hated' far more than they are, take the Jews for example, Hitler hated them that much he wiped out 6 million of them. Jehovahs witnesses IMHO are not really hated they're just more of a pest and an irritation to most people with their continous Sunday morning door bashing activities.

    Great post mate

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